Edexcel Cold War 1943-1991 Revision (Detailed)

The origins of the Cold War During 1939-45 the alliance of the three superpowers (USA, Britain and SU) was due to necessity. Once Germany had been defeated, differences began to emerge between Stalin and the Soviet Union. This is, largely, where the capitalist vs communism shebang comes into place. The cold war is a conflict in which actual fighting takes place by ever means short of war itself. The only time the war seemed to get hot was during Korea in 1950-53 ad Vietnam (60s) Its main features, and what made it so prominent throughout the world, was: . Spying 2. Propaganda 3. Arms Race 4. Space Race 5. Loans and Aid Pre-1941 Rivalry Superpower rivalry was not new. The differences go back to the 1918-21 revolution where America defended Russia against the Bolshevik uprising. Differences intensified after 1933 when Hitler became leader of Germany. Stalin, who became leader of the Soviet Union in 1928, was very suspicious of an attack from the west and encouraged Hitler to invade. Task 1a) What message is the cartoonist trying to put across in Source B? Source B shows three fat, greedy and typically selfish old men in suits looking down at a pile of bodies. These three men, each wearing a different hat with the flag of France, America and Great Britain on them have totally no remorse and are simply smoking cigarettes. The source tells us that such people were

  • Word count: 6779
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: History
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Cold War

Name : Saw Hsar Lwe Program : OUHK - Cetana (Myanmar) Course : SS201 Student No : 10399429 Assignment : TMA 05 Date : 15th, 9, 2010 When it comes to observing political history, the Cold War and post-Cold War seem to be worthwhile to give a try. Cold War is not a war. It is an ideological conflict between Communist and non-Communist countries. It means that one side uses every means, to defame or to weaken the other side but without directly fighting a war. Thus, in terms of this essay, I will firstly approach the passing of the Cold War, and move on to nine models that seem to be constructive in explaining the functioning of the post-Cold War. Finally, by dint of my own model I will give attempt to draw the picture of the post-Cold War era. The cold war started after World War II (1939-45) when the Allies (United States, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union) disagreed over how to govern occupied Germany. Soon after the Second World War both the United States and the Soviet Union became "super powers." The term "super powers" referred to the U.S. and the Soviet which both possessed military might and economic resources superior or equal to the combined strength of any group of countries of the rest of the world (Suter, 2003). Thus, they were called super powers. Countries such as Britain, France, China, Japan, and Germany were not regarded as super powers. The

  • Word count: 2871
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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To What Extent was the Cold War in Asia a Bipolar Conflict?

Blakeley Nixon INTR299: Introduction to the International Relations of South East Asia To What Extent was the Cold War in Asia a Bipolar Conflict The Cold War of the mid to late twentieth century was in every aspect an international phenomenon. Born out of the ruin of the Second World War (6,pp83) the Cold War has been analysed through many different disciplines of study from History to Media and Cultural studies and of course International relations. Understood by many (but not all) as a conflict between two opposing ideologies, Capitalism and Communism, the hostilities spread from Europe and the US to encompass the entire world. Asia was one of the more important fronts in the Cold War and more than any other region saw the so called Cold War turn hot in conflicts like those in Korea to Vietnam. The point of this essay is to analyse the extent to which the cold war in Asia was a bipolar conflict. As a basis to the analysis the focus of this essay will largely been on the actions of communist China because of its importance in the region and the alignment it has had with both the major cold war powers. This the essay will develop a historical background to the development of hostilities is Asia discussing the situation immediately after the Second World War. As examples for arguments for and against a bipolar situation an analysis will be made of two case studies

  • Word count: 2295
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: History
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Analyse Mao Zedong’s years in power.

Analyse Mao Zedong's years in power When Mao Zedong and the Communist party in 1949 seized power over China they set out on a great mission to change the social structure, apply socialism and eventually communism. They were to raise China out of poverty through improving industry and agriculture. And they did do this. However, at what costs? Communism under Mao was a dictatorship which lasted until his death in 1976. Life in China changed drastically during the years of Mao. All changes made naturally had consequences and in this essay I will focus on Mao's actions and their importance, whether they had positive or negative effects. The Communist party had control over banks, media, agriculture, industry and schools. China was a totalitarian state and people didn't have a right to their own opinion which would later show with the "100 Flowers Campaign" and the purges of those who the party considered to oppose communism, the "right" way of politics. However, after the communists first came into power they were very popular. Only after a few years they had created a strong central government which had proved to be able to stop the inflation that had hit the nation and they had fulfilled their promise about land-reforms. Land-owners' lands had been confiscated and redistributed among the peasants. They had begun a campaign against corrupt officials and women had been given

  • Word count: 1810
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: History
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A Different Kind of Cold WarI. IntroductionA. Cold War modified over time by events and policies that shaped it and influenced its outcomeB. After 1953, Cold War became combative and brutal

Lena Litvak IB History 12 September 21, 2005 A Different Kind of Cold War I. Introduction A. Cold War modified over time by events and policies that shaped it and influenced its outcome B. After 1953, Cold War became combative and brutal i. Before 1953, was a calm war and dealt with policies and addressed political agencies a. Political agencies defined the relations btw USSR and USA though out the following 50 years. C. In 1953, a series of events, political figures, and new policies altered the way people considered and fought the Cold War. D. Death of Stalin and the election of Eisenhower changed the political aspect of the war E. End of Korean War, the pseudo rollback in Guatemala and Iran, and the failed revolt in Budapest changed the policies of the Cold War. II. Stalin's Death and Khrushchev's Career A. Stalin held supreme power during his dictatorship i. Didn't train anybody around him to manage that immense power B. 1953 Stalin dies and leaves power vacuum in Soviet Union. i. Filled only years later C. 1956, Khrushchev emerged as leader of Soviet Union, but didn't reestablish complete Soviet Union's stability and supremacy D. Beginning of his career as Soviet prime minister, Khrushchev condemns Stalin for his brutalities and his ruthlessness E. Mao struggled to take leadership of Communist World, was furious for Khrushchev's action. i. First

  • Word count: 681
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: History
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cold war

Despite what many might think, cold war is well known across hundreds of nations all over the world. cold war has been around for several centuries and has a very important meaning in the lives of many. It would be safe to assume that cold war is going to be around for a long time and have an enormous impact on the lives of many people. Social & Cultural Factors cold war has a large role in American Culture. Many people can often be seen taking part in activities associated with cold war. This is partly because people of most ages can be involved and families are brought together by this. Generally a person who displays their dislike for cold war may be considered an outcast. Economic Factors It is not common practice to associate economics with cold war. Generally, cold war would be thought to have no effect on our economic situation, but there are in fact some effects. The sales industry associated with cold war is actually a 2.3 billion dollar a year industry and growing each year. The industry employs nearly 150,000 people in the United States alone. It would be safe to say that cold war play an important role in American economics and shouldn't be taken for granted. Environmental Factors After a three month long research project, I've been able to conclude that cold war doesn't negatively effect the environment at all. A cold war did not seem to result in waste

  • Word count: 1220
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Sociology
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There is widespread agreement that the end of the Cold War was a triumph for the United States and the West; but even several years later, there is little consensus about its meaning and implications for the future. As a result, it is not surprising that we call the period in which we now find ourselves the "post-Cold War" world, defining it as much by reference to what it is not and by what is behind us, as by what it is and by what lies ahead of us. A few features of the post-Cold War environment already are clear. First and most obvious, our victory in the Cold War -- not only the fact that we won it but how we won it -- transformed what might be called our "security environment." This occurred in the fundamental sense that the very real threats to our national security interests and core values we faced for a generation have disappeared for the foreseeable future. Notwithstanding all the issues and problems we confront in the post-Cold War world, none compares to the dangers -- including the specter of nuclear annihilation -- we faced during the Cold War. The simple but remarkable fact is that, for the first time in my adult life, the United States no longer faces a direct military threat to its vital interests. Second, and perhaps less obvious, the end of the Cold War offers new possibilities. It opens the way for the diffusion of market economies and democracies

  • Word count: 1852
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: History
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Cold War Timeline (in English and Spanish)

Cold War Timeline 945 Derrotan a Alemania y Japón 4-11 de Febrero: Yalta Conference meeting of FDR, Churchill, Stalin - the 'Big Three' Soviet Union has control of Eastern Europe. The Cold War Begins Mayo 8: VE Day - Victory in Europe. Alemania se rinde ante el Ejército Rojo en Berlín Julio: Potsdam Conference - Germany was officially partitioned into four zones of occupation. Agosto 6: The United States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima (20 kiloton bomb 'Little Boy' kills 80,000) Agosto 8: Rusia le delcara la Guerra a Japón Agosto 9: Los Estados Unidos arrojan bomba atómica en Nagasaki (22 kiloton 'Fat Man' mata a 70,000) Agosto 14 : Los japoneses se rinden; Fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial Agosto 15: Emperor surrender broadcast - VJ Day 1946 Febrero 9: Stalin hostile speech – El comunismo y el capitalism eran incompatibles Marzo 5: "Sinews of Peace" Iron Curtain Speech by Winston Churchill - "an "iron curtain" has descended on Europe" Marzo 10 – Truman pide a Rusia que abandone a Irán. Julio1: Operation Crossroads with Test Able. La primera demostración pública del arsenal atómico de Amércia. Julio 25: America's Test Baker – explosiones debajo del agua 1947 Contensión Marzo 12 : Doctrina Truman – Truman declara un rol activo en la Guerra Civil Griega Junio: Se anuncia el Plan Marshall para ayudar a diversos países a combater la pobreza,

  • Word count: 984
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: History
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Cold war

International History. Option W - 1919-63 Part 2 1945-1963 (Key Issues 7-9) Key Issue 7- Why did the USA and the USSR become rivals in the period 1945-49 The breakup of the wartime alliances . A. What united GB, USA and the Soviet Union between 1941-5 In 1941 Hitler launched an attack on Russia, this breached the terms of the Nazi-Soviet pact. The USA GB and Russia had disliked the Germans for a long time because of their political ideas but this united them together against the Germans. 2. What disagreements were there between the USA and the Soviet Union during this period? The USA and Soviet Union had many differences during this period despite being allies. The main differences between the two countries were their political ideas. The Soviet Union was communist and a one party state, whereas the USA was a democratic country. In America there were numerous parties, all of whom were allowed to be a part of national elections which decided who would take control of their country. They also had social, economic and cultural differences. In the Soviet Union all industry was owned by communists and living standards were poor. Whereas in the USA living standards were higher and industry was privately owned 3. What was agreed at the Yalta conference of February 1945? The Yalta conference took place in February 1945, Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt met and wanted to come

  • Word count: 1287
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: History
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Mao and China Revision Guide

Revision Guide Dates of Leadership 1949-1976 Country and Regime Replaced China, Qing dynasty , Guomindang (GMD), A republic(a form of government in which there is no monarch and power is exercised by elected representatives) took power after the 1911 revolution, until Mao came to power Conditions which allowed leader’s rise to power There were two main revolutionary parties, the Nationalists (Guomindang) (GMD), led by Chiang Kaishek, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), led in the late 1920s by Mao Zedong. When China's most populated and richest parts were occupied by Japan, the GMD had a half-hearted response which compromised the power they had. The Civil war between the CCP and the GMD Internal turmoil- warlords Failures of previous regime The Qing dynasty's inability to protect China By 1900 over 50 of China's key ports and towns were in foreign possession * in 1937, Japan militarily occupied many of the richest and most densely populated parts of the Chinese mainland * The Nationalist did not respond with full heart * The CCP led by Mao Zedong went from its bases in Jiangxi (Kiangsi) and Yanan (Yenan) in a spirited resistance to the Japanese occupation. Leader’s Political Party and Political System The CCP, Chinese Communist Party, and Communist political system Means by which power was obtained In 1945, when the Japanese were defeated: * Mao's

  • Word count: 6065
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: History
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