Discuss the impact of a poem of your choice in which the poet communicates their concerns about a deeper issue in life::'Holiday' by Margaret Atwood

Discuss the impact of a poem of your choice in which the poet communicates their concerns about a deeper issue in life. 'Holiday' by Margaret Atwood has a simple and familiar subject but the real meaning behind the simple story is hard hitting and in many ways it is a warning. She talks of a holiday and story shows how she is at a barbeque with her family in the countryside. However she interweaves a bleak image of our future within this straightforward story. It starts of with Atwood describing her daughter eating sausages. She uses the words ''barbarism'' and creates an image of '' burst meat dripping down her chin'' these words create a very primitive and uncivilized image. She describes them standing beneath a large leafed tree with nature as their only protection. This scene uses nature and portrays a primitive scene where meat is being eaten in an uncivilized way with nature as a shelter and a fire burning before of them. The next stanza makes the impact of this primordial scene clearer. She says ''this could be where we end up'' and says that we could end up like our ancient ancestors. The rest of the stanza creates a very austere and depressing image of how humankind may end up- Without trees or rain, without shelter or animals for food. She says that language, will only consist of 2 words ''hunger' and 'none' as humans will be struggling to live and their will be

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  • Word count: 911
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Why did the League of Nations fail?

Why did the League of Nations fail? By Richard Ward [email protected] The objectives of the League of Nations were to 'promote international co-operation and to achieve peace and security'. The League failed these ideals as early as 1921, when Poland occupied Vilna. It failed these objectives once more in 1923 when Mussolini held Greece ransom by occupying and bombing the island of Corfu. Yet the League was not dissolved until 1946. It continued to meet and its agencies continued their work. It was only after 1936 and the collapse of Abyssinian resistance that public opinion swung against the League on a great scale. Until the early 1930s, the League of Nations had been displayed in a favourable light as a success. The failures at Corfu and Vilna had been overshadowed by successes at the Åland Islands and in the Greek-Bulgarian war and the booming world economy. Added to that, improvements in international relations had cast a general aura of wellbeing over the world. In hindsight, it is arguable that the League had failed shortly after it had started, but at that time everyone was shocked at the realisation that the League was not everything it said it was. On October 24th 1929, the US stock market in Wall Street crashed. The value of shares plummeted as the stock market was ordered to 'sell at any price'. Herbert Hoover, US President, had advocated the

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 2504
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: History
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French Coursework - My holiday

Holiday En général, je vais à l'étranger, mais je vais à une destination différente chaque année. Cependant, l'année dernière, je suis allé en Barbades avec ma famille. Nous y sommes restés pendant deux semaines, ce qui était un peu trop longtemps. L'hôtel était beau et luxueux, car il y avait une piscine étonnante, ma chambre était incroyable et la plage était spectaculaire. Il y avait aussi plusieurs restaurants servant une variété de nourriture exotique, et les installations disponibles étaient extrêmement impressionnantes. Pendant les vacances nous avons nagé dans la mer, bronzé sur la plage et nous avons fait un tour de bateau pour aller nager avec les poissons. Le tour de bateau était absolument fantastique comme nous avons pris bain de soleil sur le bateau, pêché et nous avons nagé avec les poissons. Un jour, c'était vraiment drôle quand un homme ivre et arrogant, qui se tenait sur le côté du bateau a commencé à chanter et dansé. Son fils était vraiment géné et la poussé hors du bateau dans la mer. Il a hurlé et a nagé loin, extrêmement géné. Bien que l'homme n'a pas aimé l'expérience, j'ai trouvé ça très amusant. Il y avait des beaux poissons, des tortues énormes, et même un vieux navire au fond de la mer. J'ai pris beaucoup de photos avec mon appareil sous-marin, et je les ai montrés à mes amis à l'école.

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  • Word count: 332
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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french essay

Mon repas favori du jour est dîner parce que j'ai souvent très faim et ma mère, qui prépare les repas, est une cuisinée très bon. Pour le dîner, mon plat favori est bœuf et des pommes de terre de rôtis parce qu'ils sont délicieux. Le bœuf est très gras mais j'aime ca. Je prends toujours le bœuf de rôtis le vendredi nuits et il s'est transformé en peu de tradition pour ma famille. Autrefois, mon repas favori était poulet mais maintenant c'est bœuf de rôtis parce qu'il est beaucoup plus savoureux. Je ne mange pas beaucoup de poisson parce que je ne l'aime pas. Excepté des saumons parce que je l'adore, en particulier saumons fumé. Quand j'étais jeune, j'ai adoré des légumes, par exemple ; carottes et haricots verts, toutefois maintenant je les déteste. Pendant l'année scolaire, je n'aime pas le petit déjeuner parce que je dois me lever tôt le matin, avant que je vais à l'école. D'habitude, Je prends la céréale ou le pain grillé avec un verre de jus d'orange. La semaine dernière, je suis revenu des vacances et maintenant, ma mère et ma sœur ont décidé que désormais, elles seront végétariennes. Donc, je devrai manger plus des plats des légumes. Dans ma famille, il y a moi, ma sœur, mes parents, mes grands parents, mon oncle. Ma sœur s'appelle Grace qui a dix ans, donc, elle est la cadette dans ma famille. Je m'entends bien avec ma

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  • Word count: 413
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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"Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic utopias that the old reformers imagined." Discuss the anti-utopia that Orwell is portraying with reference to totalitarian regimes.

"Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic utopias that the old reformers imagined." Discuss the anti-utopia that Orwell is portraying with reference to totalitarian regimes. Hitler, Stalin and Big Brother, tyrants all. Throughout Nineteen-Eighty Four, there are clear similarities between Winston's world and the totalitarian regimes that now form part of our history. However, as O'Brien goes on to explain, there are just as many differences. The concept of a 'utopia' was defined, although not invented, in a sixteenth century essay by Thomas More describing a perfectly ordered world wit complete equality. AS O'Brien expresses, this was the initial aim of the 'old reformers'; indeed, the concept of communism in Russia and China, in its origins, seems closely linked to the principles of Utopia. While O'Brien may simply be referring to More in his dismissal of 'stupid hedonistic utopias,' totalitarian dictators such as Hitler, in principle at least, did have this aim in his quest for the augmentation of the German State. In this respect Big Brother has learnt both from literature and history. As O'Brien states, though the Twentieth Century trend of mass propaganda, dictators such as Hitler and Franco lied to themselves and indeed others with respect to their apparently selfless intentions. He observes

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 613
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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"Environmental degradation is neither the inevitable price of, nor a desirable path for, economic development

"Environmental degradation is neither the inevitable price of, nor a desirable path for, economic development." (UNDP, et al, 2005) Introduction Environmental degradation is now apparent on a global scale. In addition to the deterioration of what were once considered free goods (such as air and water), escalating scarcity of natural resources, deforestation, desertification and threatened bio-diversity are now commonplace across the spectrum. There are certainly no reservations over the scale of this degradation, however there is much controversy concerning the apparent environmental degradation - economic development nexus. Many have argued that short-term tradeoffs exist in the form of environmental degradation, for superior long-term economic gains. One of the positions put forward is that environmental degradation is the result and inevitable price of economic development. This viewpoint is based on the Environmental Kuznets Curve, regarding environmental degradation as the 'necessary evil' for achieving 'economic development' and suggesting that environmental assets are degraded in the early stages of economic development, only to improve after some income threshold has been passed at a later point. In the last decade, extensive literature has argued that a direct link between environmental degradation and economic development is too simplistic and that the

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  • Word count: 4267
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Physical Sciences
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How significant a role did Britain play in the war against Germany, 1939-45?

How significant a role did Britain play in the war against Germany, 1939-45? On the 3rd September 1939, Britain declared war on Germany after they invaded Poland because Britain and France had made an agreement to defend Poland from a German attack. Despite this declaration of war, Britain and France did very little to defend Poland and no combat by the French or British took place for nine months to follow. This period of time was nicknamed the 'Phoney War'. In April 1940, the Germans invaded Norway; Britain attempted to defend Norway but after their defeat, Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister was forced to resign; Winston Spencer Churchill was appointed Prime Minister and formed a National Government. On the 10th June 1940, France was invaded and defeated by Italian-German forces; this resulted in Britain being alone against GermanY. Germany came up with a plan to invade Britain called 'Operation Sealion' because Churchill refused to negotiate with the Germans. For this plan to work the German Luftwaffe would have to have air superiority. The Luftwaffe had an advantage over the RAF of 2300 more aircraft overall, but they had an equal number of fighter planes. Also, the fighter planes from Germany could only spend 30 minutes over South-East England before having to return to refuel, this sometimes resulted in Bombers being left behind and then destroyed by

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1597
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: History
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Water is a molecule composed of two elements of hydrogen covalently bonded with one element of oxygen

AP Biology Essay 1 Water is a molecule composed of two elements of hydrogen covalently bonded with one element of oxygen. Because of the polarity created from the covalent bond these molecules of water are all connected with a hydrogen bond. A hydrogen bond is formed when two molecules are attracted to oppositely charged components of another molecule. A hydrogen bond has about 5% the strength of a covalent bond and is responsible for some of the unique qualities found in water. It takes a large amount of energy to break down the hydrogen bonds in water allowing it to have a high specific heat, giving water its high boiling point and allowing it to maintain a liquid form over a wide range of temperatures. The hydrogen bonds also allow water to have high surface tension. This happens because, although one hydrogen bond is relatively weak, when many of these bonds are formed between two molecules it causes the bonds to be sufficiently strong and quite stable. Hydrogen bonding also influences cohesion, the clinging of a water molecule to itself or adhesion, the clinging of a molecule to another molecule. Water is known as the "solvent for life" or the "universal solvent". Water is a good natural solvent because it exits in the liquid state in its natural habitat. Another one of water's reasons for being such a good solvent is credited to its feature of having polar

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  • Word count: 750
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Science
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Les femmes dans les pays francophones

Les femmes dans la francophone L'image des femmes a changé énormément depuis quelques décennies. Les rôles traditionnels de la femme étaient: cuisiner, faire le ménage et garder les enfants. Autrement dit, la possibilité de travailler hors de la maison, pour la plupart, était d'occuper des emplois peu qualifiés et faiblement rémunerés - par exemple, prendre soin des animaux. De nos jours, les femmes continuent à pratiquer ces rôles en même temps que les hommes. Mais elles sont plus libres, ayant accès à l'éducation, au choix du mariage et la façon de s'habiller. En général, elles ne sont plus considerées comme inférieures aux hommes. L'émancipation des femmes a été initié par le mouvement du droit des femmes. La lutte pour l'égalité a commencé, à petite échelle, aux Etats-Unis et Grande-Bretagne aux environs de 1840 (dix-huit-cent-quarante). Les femmes ont lutté pour leur accès aux études supérieures, pour voter, avoir des salaires justes et avoir des droits maritaux ainsi que d'autres droits. Pourtant, ces droits sont souvent négligés par la loi et la culture des certaines sociétés. Les obstacles et l'opposition à l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes continue où les attitudes traditionnelles prédominent et où l'offre d'éducation est insuffisante. Dans plusieurs pays en developpement, les femmes font face aussi à des

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 812
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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Lord Of The Flies - How Golding sets up readers expectations

How does Golding set up readers' expectation for the rest of the novel in the opening pages? In the first few pages of 'The Lord of The Flies' there is a lot of descriptive language used to describe the surroundings and how Ralph feels among certain objects and people. Golding uses many of these detailed descriptions to set up readers' to think what may happen later on in the novel. There are many key factors that can be linked with the island and also to what may still be to come for instance, there are two separate sides to the island. Another detailed description given is about Piggy. Piggy is a small orphaned boy who is fairly intellectual and sensible. He is somewhat stout, which could be to do with the fact he has had a sheltered life from his aunt, who gives him the sweets from the sweet shop she owns. However the significance of Piggy is his glasses. 'The fat boy looked down through the round spectacles'. This shows that the spectacles that Piggy wears a vital part of his life. Piggy's glasses symbolise civilisation and all that is modern. During their stay so far at the island, the boys run around, losing more and more of their clothes, whereas Piggy remains intact with his glasses and does not participate in any actions that are beyond what he would do at home. The glasses could also represent the intellectual side of life and the side of Ralph and himself that is

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1285
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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