Equality diversity and rights in health and social care

________________ M2,D1 Unit 2 Equality diversity and rights in health and social care M2 Assess the influence of a recent national policy initiative promoting anti discriminatory practice D1 Evaluate the success of a recent initiative in promoting anti-discriminatory practice In this criterion there will be an assessment on a recent national policy initiative and the way it promotes anti- discriminatory practice in health and social care. Individual’s rights within a health and social care setting include having access to services and medication. Services should not unlawfully discriminate service users due to their race, gender, disability, religion, belief, or sexuality. Another right of an individual within health and social care is being treated with respect and dignity. No matter what the persons circumstances are when using health or social care services they should always be treated fairly and with respect defiantly if they are in a vulnerable state. Communication is also another right of an individual. Every health and social care setting should have trained professionals who know how to convey effective communication to avoid assumptions and discrimination. As the patients or service users should feel comfortable talking to the staff and know

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 4139
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Health and Social Care
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Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care

BTEC National Diploma Health And Social Care Unit 2 Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care Assignment 3 Georgina reed Introduction In this assignment I will be describing how anti discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings. I will be discussing difficulties that may arise when implementing anti discriminatory practice in health and social care. Last I will justify ways of overcoming difficulties that may arise when implementing anti discriminatory practices in health and social care settings. P5 Within the health and social care sector it is important that people understand and promote anti discriminatory practice. There are various ways of how they can challenge discriminatory issues and practices. One of the ways in which a carer can promote anti discriminatory practice is to always treat patients/residents the same (equal).another element of active promotion of anti discriminatory practice is to provide active support consist with peoples beliefs, culture and preferences of the individual. Active support encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible, to maintain their independence and physical ability. It encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence. In the health and social care environment you should never treat anyone different compared to others. M3 When

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1036
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Healthcare
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Evaluate the case for using referenda to decide important issues in the UK

Evaluate the case for using referenda to decide important issues in the UK A referendum is a popular vote in which the people, rather than the elected representatives, resolve a political issue. Since the electorate is asked to vote directly on a particular issue, holding a referendum is a way of exercising direct democracy within a system of representative democracy. It is normally on one single issue with a straight yes or no answer on the implementation or continuance of a reform. There are a number of advantages to holding a referendum. They encourage political participation as people are actively asked to take an interest in one issue and vote for what they think is best. Referendums are often asked when parliament can not resolve an issue so by asking the electorate to vote they are provided, hopefully, with one clear answer. Referendums can effectively end a deadlock when discussing a political issue. They can increase the legitimacy of major reforms or measures that the government is planning to implement and are a good way of determining the public mood and can provide justification for introducing a certain reform. Referendums should give a clear answer to a question however there are often problems with this. Referendums are also the most direct form of democracy as the people's views are clearly represented and help to make political decisions more legitimate.

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  • Word count: 1173
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Politics
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Est-ce que Je Suis en Forme?

Est-ce que Je Suis en Forme? Je crois que pour être en forme, on devrait manger un régime équilibré. On ne devrait pas trop de gros ou trop de maigre. On devrait avoir un bon poids. Aussi, on devrait boire beaucoup d'eau. Avoir un régime équilibré, on doit boire plein d'eau. On ne devrait pas fumer parce que, a mon avis, c'est une mauvaise habitude qui teur. Aussi, on ne devrait pas prendre les drogues ou boire trop d'alcool. On devrait être capable de se détendre. Quand j'étais jeune, je dormais pendant onze heures chaque nuit. Aussi, je ne me fâchais jamais. Au lieu de regarder la télé, je jouais déhors. Je mangeais trop de bonbons tous les jours. J'aurais dû manger moins de bonbons. A mon avis, je mange un régime équilibré et je suis de assez bonne santé. Normalement, je mange beaucoup de fruits et légumes. En mangeant beaucoup de fruits et légumes, je maintenis un régime équilibré. Autrefois, je buvais trop de coca et maintenant je bois beaucoup d'eau. Pour être en forme, il faut faire plein d'exercise. Autrefois, je faisais de la natation trois par semaine et puis je commencé le collège et maintenant je ne fais que de la natation une fois par semaine. De temps en temps, je fais du cyclisme. Un adolescent a besoin de neuf heures de sommeil chaque nuit. J'essaie de dormir pendant neuf heures chaque nuit. Quelquefois je me couche très tard.

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 376
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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In what ways and to what extent does the concept of Spain's Golden Age apply more specifically to the reign of Philip II than to the whole period 1474 - 1598?

In what ways and to what extent does the concept of Spain's Golden Age apply more specifically to the reign of Philip II than to the whole period 1474 - 1598? Justify your answer by reference to the similarities and differences you detect between the periods before and after the accession of Philip in 1556 The concept of a Golden Age is a highly contested issue among modern and contempory historians. There is debate over the dates of such an age, or even its existence at all. Working on the assumption that a golden age occurred in some form, to deduce whether it was more specifically under Philip's reign, we must look at the condition of Spain in key areas before and after Philip's accession in 1556. If differences arise a judgement must be made on whether they were an improvement for Spain, or signify a decline. The keys issues include religion, the military, territory, the economy, law and order and the organisation of government. The Golden Age over all should be the period where most of these concerns have reached their peak. The point of entry into the Golden Age in terms of the army is complex, and depends on the definition, i.e. whether it is the number of troops or their individual skills, loyalty and motivation which determines it. In the period 1525 - 1536, the army was highly thought of and comprised of members of the aristocracy fighting for social pride and

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 2747
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: History
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Investigation of Some of the Properties of a Pair of Cis-Trans Isomers

Experiment18 Aim To determination the partition coefficient of ethanoic acid between water and butan-2-ol. Procedure . The room temperature was recorded. 2. 15cm3 of the given aqueous ethanoic acid and 15cm3 of butan-2-ol were poured into a 100cm3 separating funnel, using suitable apparatus. The funnel was stoppered and was shook vigorously for 1 to 2 minutes. (The pressure in the funnel was released by occasionally opening the tap.) 3. 10cm3 of each layer was separated approximately. (The fraction near the junction of the two layers was discarded.) 4. 10.0cm3 of the aqueous layer was pipetted into a conical flask and was titrated with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution using phenolphthalein. 5. Using another pipette, 10.0 cm3 of the alcohol layer was delivered into a conical flask and was titrated with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution. 6. Steps (2) to (5) was repeated with another separating funnel using the following volume: 25cm3 of aqueous ethanoic acid and 15cm3 of butan-2-ol 7. For each experiment, the ratio of the concentration of ethanoic acid in the aqueous layer to that in the butan-2-ol layer was calculated. Result Room temperature: 29? Volume of butan-2-ol: 15 cm3 Volume of 0.2M ethanoic acid / cm3 Volume of 0.1M NaOH titre for aqueous layer / cm3 Volume of 0.1M NaOH titre for alcohol layer / cm3 Partition coefficient K= 5 0.00 2.55 0.796 25

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 609
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Investigation on whether Rubber obeys Hooke's Rule

Investigation on whether Rubber obeys Hooke's Rule Plan Introduction Hooke's Rule states that extension of a material is proportional to the tension force applied to it unless the elastic limit is reached, which is the point at which the material no longer obeys Hooke's Rule. There are only a few materials that obey this rule. In this investigation, we will find out whether rubber obeys Hooke's Rule. We will measure in detail the way in which the extension of a rubber band depends on the tension in the band. This will be done by applying various amounts of weights, as it is a continual variation. Hooke's Rule = F = ke * F = Force in Newtons * k = Spring constant * e = Extension in Centimetres Rubber is a natural polymer which is made up of long chains of molecules which are bent back and forth with weak forces acting between them. As the rubber band is stretched, molecules straighten out and allow the rubber band to become larger. Eventually, as the molecules become fully stretched, the long chains will become parallel to each other and can stretch up to ten times its original length. Extra force will make the rubber band break. If the rubber is not stretched to breaking, once the force is removed the molecules tend to curl back again into their original position because of the attraction and cross-links between adjacent molecules. The return is elastic. Hypothesis I

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 2411
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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romeo and juliet coursework

EXPLORE THE WAYS THAT SHAKESPEARE MAKES ACT1 SCENE 5 OF ROMEO AND JULIET DRAMATICALLY EFFECTIVE. Romeo and Juliet is probably one the most famous tragic and romantic plays ever to be written. It is set in Verona, Italy, whose ruler is Prince Escalus. He is the law as well as the judge. His main objective is to stop the ancient feud between the Montagues and the Capulets, the two families of Verona from which Romeo and Juliet come from. We can learn from this that any type of marriage between the two families was very unlikely and so the love between Romeo and Juliet would be a secretive and tragic affair. We also know that there is tragedy in the play from the prologue: "From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Whose misadventur'd piteous overthrows Doth with their death bury their parents' strife." Before Romeo and Juliet meet in Act 1 Scene 5 the audience already has a rough idea about their characters. They know that Romeo is a love struck youth that is bowled over by Rosaline, a young Capulet girl. His youthfulness has been shown to the audience through his state of confusion through love when he is talking about Rosaline to Benvolio, his cousin. Juliet is portrayed to the audience as an obedient young girl who obeys her parents fully and is not prepared to argue. She will do whatever they say as long as

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1480
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Science in the News: Should old people be allowed to drive?

Environmental Social Economical This is my coursework broken down into digestible chunks. Anything I used came from this piece of text. For (they should be able to drive) > They are experienced in driving. Therefore have more practises driving on the road. [8] > More convenient, you can get where you want, whenever you want. [11] > Not as dangerous in a car, as elderly people may feel intimidated at a bus stop. [12] > It is discrimination to not let them drive. [13] > They have passed there test, so they have as much right to drive than anyone else. [14] > Gives money to the Government for road tax. > Petrol stations gain money. > They can talk with family and friends comfortably without feeling awkward around others. > If more old people drive they will buy new cars, from car dealers. Putting more money into the local economy, adding to the Multiplying effect. > It they drive a car, they will pay money towards having it cleaned, giving money to car cleaners. Against (They shouldn't be able to drive) > Poorer eyesight is very common with older people. [15] > Adds to Global warmer. [16] > Uses fossil fues > Slower reaction time as you get older. [2] and > Saves money as petrol is rising. [17] > It is more sociable to go on a bus and talk with the community. > Could put others in danger. >

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  • Word count: 969
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Science
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Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering

Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Introduction The first step to understanding genetic engineering and embracing its possibilities for society is to obtain a rough knowledge base of its history and method. The basis for altering the evolutionary process is dependant on the understanding of how individuals pass on characteristics to their offspring. Genetics achieved its first foothold on the secrets of nature's evolutionary process when an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel developed the first "laws of heredity." Using these laws, scientists studied the characteristics of organisms for most of the next one hundred years following Mendel's discovery. These early studies concluded that each organism has two sets of character determinants, or genes. For instance, in regards to eye colour, a child could receive one set of genes from his or her father that were encoded one blue, and the other brown. The same child could also receive two brown genes from his or her mother. The conclusion for this inheritance would be the child has a three in four chance of having brown eyes, and a one in four chance of having blue. Genes are transmitted through chromosomes which reside in the nucleus of every living organism's cells. Each chromosome is made up of fine strands of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. The information carried on the DNA determines the cells function within the organism.

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1950
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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