The Onion Everyone still remembers the time you threw up in 5th gradeThe purpose of this satire was to inform everyone that some embarrassing mistakes, even though they may not be intended, never really erase from ones mind

Maham Ahmed April 26, 2010 Period 6 The Onion - "Everyone still remembers the time you threw up in 5th grade" . The subject of this satire was to mock the day when someone threw up in class and how everything about the scene is now scarred in everyone's head., and up to this day whenever anyone who was there to experience it recalls the scene they still laugh, because the memory became inerasable. The purpose of this satire was to inform everyone that some embarrassing mistakes, even though they may not be intended, never really erase from one's mind and becomes an excuse for the entire society to mock about or make fun of. In my opinion, the intended audience was the entire public who live in the denial that their actions may have been forgotten, but in reality no one really forgets the embarrassing or humiliating actions one makes, it becomes something one has to learn to live with. 2. Tone is also being in this passage as an element of satire because it is very sarcastic and also bitter but not in a negative way, the bitter tone is used to create humor and also convey the purpose of the satire. For example, when he says " the pungent stench of semi-digested tuna wafting through the halls", his tone is bitter because he is ridiculing the individual who threw up, but it is funny to the audience also because of his straight up comments and by doing this he instantly

  • Word count: 416
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Comentario sobre el cuento Circe de Cortzar

Comentario de texto Nombre: Jorge Andrés Justiniano Nava. El fragmento que analizaré a continuación se encuentra desde las páginas 75 hasta la 77, del libro Bestiario, escrito por Julio Cortázar. Como sabemos, "Bestiario" se trata de una recopilación de cuentos fantásticos del escritor argentino, así que es menester también situar el fragmento en su respectivo relato, en este caso, se trata del cuento "Circe". El fragmento a analizar posee una gran trascendencia a lo largo de todo el relato, debido a que en él se tratan temas que subyacen al cuento e incluso a toda la obra. Este fragmento se encuentra situado inmediatamente después de la ruptura de Mario con su familia, al predominar sobre él su amor hacia Delia más que el amor de la familia. En este fragmento se relata un poco acerca de Delia y su peculiar comportamiento. Además, se alude a su relación con Mario. Se relata también la posición que tiene Mario hacia su familia y a las demás personas, que tienen una visión negativa de Delia, ya que la consideran una asesina. Por último, en este fragmento se describen asimismo los dos trágicos sucesos que causaron que los dos novios de Delia murieran, y ella fuera, por ende, considerada como la causante de sus desgracias. Los temas tratados en el fragmento son la muerte no esclarecida y la hipocresía de la sociedad, que a su vez sirve de crítica social

  • Word count: 1172
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Owen's war poetry

What is Owen trying to express about war in his poetry? It is a widely acknowledged truth that war is contemptible and cruel, but it takes the poetic opulence and the lively experience of the war to effectively convey one's strong attitude against the reality of war. With his frequent use of contrast, para-rhyme and vivid imagery especially of blood and light in his collection of war poems, Wilfred Owen successfully portrays the brutal reality in battle thus stirs the readers' sympathy for the soldiers, expresses his anger at the futility of war, demonstrates the disdain for ignorant people back at home and voices his anguish at the condemnation that these soldiers have to endure. The horrendous experience Owen has gone through as a soldier in the British Army in World War I explains why the tremendous sufferings by the soldiers stands as the most predominant idea in almost all his poems in the anthology. From the passive suffering of cold winds that "knife us" (Exposure) to the disturbing death of an unlucky fellow comrade in gas warfare (Dulce et Decorum est) "flound'ring like a man in fire or lime", Owen presents a wide range of pains that blurs the boundary between life and death. Although the type of destruction portrayed in each poem is not the same as any other, they all highlight the frightening cruelty of the war, most obvious of all the deterioration of a man's

  • Word count: 2644
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Il Mediterraneo

IL MEDITERRANEO I CRETESI La prima civiltà marittima del Mediterraneo fu quella dei cretesi, detti anche Minoici (dal mitico re di Cnosso, Minasse) Questi primi navigatori, su leggeri navigli di circa 15 metri, aprirono nel Mediterraneo orientale un'importante rotta nord-sud, collegando la Grecia e l'Italia meridionale con l'isola di Creta, e Creta con il prospero Egitto dei faraoni. I lucrosi traffici marittimi arricchirono l'isola, dove sorsero le imponenti città-palazzo di Cnosso, Festo e Mallia, sedi di regni indipendenti che controllavano i villaggi agricoli dell'interno. Nella società cretese che conosceva la scrittura (lineare A, non ancora decifrata) ma non la moneta, avevano grande importanza, insieme con il sovrano, i mercanti. I resti archeologici testimoniano una vita prospera e un delicato senso dell'arte, specie nella pittura. La splendida civiltà cretese scomparve improvvisamente per un'oscura tragedia: forse un cataclisma, seguito dall'invasione di genti provenienti dalla Grecia, gli Achei. GLI ACHEI Gli Achei erano in origine pastori guerrieri indoeuropei discesi nella penisola greca, dove avevano fondato le città fortezza di Micene, Tirino, Argo e altre minori. Gli Achei, detti anche Micenei dal nome della principale città, presero presto il mare occupando Creta e altre isole dell'Egeo. In breve tempo costituirono un vasto dominio marittimo, con

  • Word count: 1297
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Pedro Paramo: Comentario de texto

"Pedro Páramo" Juan Rulfo Comentario de Texto "Pedro Páramo" es la obra cumbre de Juan Rulfo que fue publicada en el año de 1955. Esta es una extraña pero apasionante novela que a un comienzo intriga al lector, sin embargo con el transcurrir de la obra lo interesante se hace aun mas intenso. Su autor Juan Rulfo es un escritor mexicana nacido en el pueblo de Apulco en 1918 y creció en el pequeño pueblo de San Gabriel, que es una villa muy rural dominada por superstición y el culto a los muertos. Allí el y su familia sufrieron duras luchas cristeras, donde aquella experiencia de además perder a su padre, lo habría inspirado a escribir "Pedro Páramo". La creación de esta obra no solo es el fruto de una autentica literatura, sino que además es el claro recuerdo de una historia. Y la historia de "Pedro Páramo" responde a un mundo imaginario pero también encaja perfectamente en algo mas real, mas original, nativo y muy autóctono que nos muestra la cara de la revolución en México. De tal manera cuando estamos hablando de "Pedro Páramo", estamos hablando, además, no solo de rasgos, sino de mascaras siempre cambiantes, bajo las cuales se revela la expresión de una historia vivida, de una historia no solo hecha de tiempo. Por eso el propósito de Juan Rulfo no era ubicar en una determinada época a ciertos personajes, sino situarlo geográficamente e

  • Word count: 1531
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Me and Music

Name: Le Hoang Long Grade 12 English IV Draft for Reflective Essay As the earphones filled my ears with wonder I could feel nothing more than the ecstasy I was in. It was as if nothing else in the world mattered. At that time I could feel nothing more than the shadows that covered my heart, but the music I heard inspired me in such a way that no one else could understand the way I felt. I was beautiful, the world was beautiful, and nothing else could possibly be as beautiful as the way I feel. When I stopped the music, I became quiet, the world became quiet, and everything simply stopped. This is the only time I can say that I truly heard music. I used to be very social, very active, like a fish in the gigantic ocean. I used to have lots of friends, and a girlfriend who I was deeply in love with. That love story last for a year. We broke up after a year, when I still loved her so much. I became a silent boy and cut all the connections with friends as same as outside world. It was a hurricane came and almost drowned me and in this violent raging storm and I lost my way. I clung to music as if it was a raft for life, as if it was a key for me to make it up living in this world. Somehow it worked. Not just worked, but worked well. After a long summer ... I came back to school. It was my first day at school and I all I can remember was the first moment I put on my

  • Word count: 719
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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What is a Real Friendship

Rahime Senturk No: 860199 Group: 5 What is a Real Friendship? According to everybody, a friend is explained in a friend in a different way. Sometimes, friend is faithful for a person who has been betrayed. Sometimes, friend can be shared all of the fellings for a person who hasn't got any friends. Sometimes, friend doesn't let you alone. There are two kinds of friends-the present ones and the old ones. The present friends are those with whom we interact on a day to day basis. We often depend on them for help with our problems and help them with theirs. They are those with whom we spend most of our time with. They have a great influence on our behavior and our outlook towards society and our lives. Occasionally fights do tend to occur between even close friends. There is nothing like a good, really intense fight between friends to examine the strength of their friendship. Fights are indeed the acid test as far as friendships are concerned. Those which live through them live on, closer than before, with a new found vigor. Above all, present friends are those whom we take for granted. There is nothing like their absence to remind us of them. We never really realize how many friends we have until; somehow, we are made to part. Old friends are the best, or so the saying goes. There really is nothing like the reunion between old friends. Their sudden presence is what makes

  • Word count: 553
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Kite Runner - Relationship Essay

We begin to understand in the novel that Amir is constantly vying for Baba's attention and often feels like and outsider in his father's life, as seen in the following passage; "He'd close the door, leave me to wonder why it was always grown-ups time with him. I'd sit by the door; knee's drawn to my chest. Sometimes I sat there for an hour, sometimes two, listening to their laughter, their chatter." Discuss Amir's relationship with Baba. The 'father-son' relationship between Amir and Baba is not always positive throughout The Kite Runner. At the beginning of the novel, Khaled Hosseini gives an impression to the reader that Amir is looking for the love, respect and approval of Baba he felt he has never had. Whereas Baba feels that his son is not living up to his physical, social, religious and cultural expectations and provides little time for him. However, as the novel unravels the strength of the relationship between these two key characters increases and Amir's constant vying for Baba's attention produces positive results in the relationship. This essay will look at the development and change of the relationship between Amir and Baba and their characterisation as the novel progresses. With Amir feeling that "Baba hated me a little"1 and Baba feeling that Amir is one of those boys "who won't stand up for himself and becomes a man who can't stand up to anything"2, the

  • Word count: 2144
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Fasting Feasting Extract Close Analysis: Chapter Twenty Six: Pages 220-224

Fasting Feasting Extract Close Analysis Chapter Twenty Six Pages 220-224 In the ending of chapter twenty six, Mrs. Patton decides to request Arun to join her and Melanie 'to spend the day down at the swimming hole'. The swimming hole is used by Desai to illustrate America and nature. It is compared to the 'scummy green swimming pool' which represents India. This can be seen as India being a lot smaller in size to America and has an unattractive appearance however; Desai does not say that America is any different. The pond is described with water that 'sparkles innocently' which shows the appearance of America is inviting and harmless but underneath 'animal life might lurk in it' which relates to the dangers which may be devouring people. The area which Mrs. Patton has brought them to is very isolated and far away from 'the people on the beach'. The people on the beach 'gives the impression of being crowded' is what seems only seems to be people in close proximity of each other supposedly having fun, when in actual fact they are only making a 'din'. This symbolizes America appearing to be a place of happiness and fun but is only a place obsessed with appearances. The setting of the area is surrounded by nature with 'the woods behind them' and the beach 'at the other end of the pond' conveying America's abundance of greenery, nature, freedom. This is used to juxtapose with

  • Word count: 1497
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Gatsby as Tragic Hero

Gatsby as the Tragic Hero According to Aristotle, a tragic hero can be defined most simply as a character that, in spite of a basic goodness, has a tragic flaw which eventually leads to his downfall. In detail, these tragic heroes usually fall into six basic characteristics: man of noble stature, although preeminently great he is not perfect, his downfall is partially his own fault, his misfortune is not wholly deserved, he arouses solemn emotions like pity, fear, compassion, and awe from the audience, and some increase in awareness or gain in self-knowledge, and. In F. Scott Fitzgerald's, The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald follows the Aristotelian characteristics of a tragic hero in his construction of the character Jay Gatsby to make him "The Great Gatsby". First of all, the tragic hero is a man of noble stature, usually a king or prince, or in the case of a modern novel like The Great Gatsby, the tragic hero may come from nothing and rise up to a high status as is the case with Gatsby. His humble beginnings can be seen on page.104 with the description of his parents, "His parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people." Although his ambition for wealth and improvement were always in his mindset as is seen on page181through 182 when Gatsby's father shows Nick the book from Gatsby's childhood which within holds resolves like, "Practice elocution, poise, and how to attain it,

  • Word count: 1985
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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