Sistemul de Plati Interbancare. n acest sens am ales s prezint sistemul de pli interbancare din Romnia n interconexiunea sa cu sistemele de pli folosite n Uniunea European, aa cum acesta funcioneaz

INTRODUCERE Schimbarile profunde care au aparut în structura si activitatea sistemelor de plati si decontari au reflectat îndeaproape transformarea industriei financiare la nivel global. Schimbarile tehnologice, dereglementarea si tendinta catre o sporita volatilitate a preturilor activelor au contribuit la expansiunea activitatii financiare si totodata a volumului si valorii fluxurilor de plati la nivel national si international. Toate aceste schimbari sunt evidente mai ales în plan individual-al persoanelor fizice-, cel al economiei reale si al pietelor financiare. În acest context, poate fi amintita larga paleta de instrumente destinate a facilita executarea platilor de catre persoanele fizice: distribuitoarele automate de numerar, ghiseele bancare automate, utilizarea cardurilor bancare d debit si de credit, o mai buna remunerare a depozitelor bancare, precum si introducerea unor forme din ce în ce mai explicite de comisionare a serviciilor sau chiar oferta de servicii gratuite în domeniul transferurilor de bani. Daca toate acestea sunt usor de remarcat în marea majoritate a tarilor dezvoltate si sunt direct legate de transferurile de fonduri cu valoare relative scazuta, schimbarile cele mai spectaculoase care au avut loc pot fi gasite în zona transferurilor de fonduri banesti cu valoare mare si foarte mare, adesea associate fie cu activitatea marilor agenti

  • Word count: 36785
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Amerikaanse Midden Oosten Beleid: De Relatie tussen de VS en Israel Van Truman tot Nixon

Amerikaanse Midden Oosten Beleid: De Relatie tussen de VS en Israël Van Truman tot Nixon Door: N.M.D. Stoltz Studentnr: 0636843 Adres: Rapenburg 12-14 2311 EW Leiden Tel. nr.: 06-12611331 Email: [email protected] BA Eindwerkstuk Prof.dr. A. Fairclough ECTS 18 Juni, 2011 Inhoudsopgave Inhoudsopgave…………………………………………………………………………….2 Afkortingen………………………………………………………………………………3 Inleiding…………………………………………………………………………………4 H1. Redenen van de Amerikaans-Israëlische Relatie……………………………8 H2. Truman en de Stichting van de Staat Israël…………………………………13 H3. Eisenhower en de Suez Crisis………………………………………………20 H4. Johnson en de 6-daagse Oorlog……………………………………………29 H5. Nixon, Jordanië Crises en Jom Kipoer Oorlog……………………………37 Conclusie…………………………………………………………………………………46 Noten……………………………………………………………………………………52

  • Word count: 20227
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Urbana at Feliza: Review. Urbanisasyon ang panawagan sa panahong pinalalago ang kalakalan upang lalong mapatampok ang halaga ng salapi at sistemang kapital.

ANG URBANA AT FELIZA ni modesto de castro AT ANG TRAFFIC ROAD SIGNS AND REGULATIONS SA METRO MANILA MGA BATAS - ETIKA SA PANAHON NG URBANISASYON ni GLECY C. ATIENZA Urbanisasyon ang panawagan sa panahong pinalalago ang kalakalan upang lalong mapatampok ang halaga ng salapi at sistemang kapital. Sa panahon ng pag-unlad ng urbanisasyon, ang mga sentro ng kalakalan ay nakapagtatatag ng sistema ng palitan ng produkto.Upang mapabilis ang daloy ng mga produkto mula sa isang lugar tungo sa susunod, lumilikha ng mga daanang makatutugon sa mga pangangailangang ito. Umiikot ang kapital, nagpapalipat-lipat ang mga produkto mula sa isang lugar tungo sa mamimili kasabay ng pagdami ng salapi at ng kita. Upang mapadaloy ang ganitong palitan, mahalagang magkaroon ng batas etikang makapagpapatatag sa ganitong uri ng kalakaran.Itong mga batas na ito ang siyang magtitiyak na ang daloy ng produkto at ang pagkamal ng salapi ay patuloy na nagaganap sa lahat ng larangan--mula sa mga produktong ikinakalakal hanggang sa serbisyo ng lakas-paggawa na inilalaan ng mga taong kasangkot sa kabuuang daloy ng sistemang ito. Mahalagang magkaroon ng batas ng mga dapat at hindi dapat. Mahalagang magkaroon ng mga tanda ang mga batas ito na tuwina'y isasagawa ng mga mamamayan , saan man sila naroon, sa anumang panahon, sa lahat ng uri ng anyo at manipestasyon nito, bilang pagsubay sa mga batas na

  • Word count: 18512
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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A study into the origins of the Scottish Gales, through an examination of hill and river names in County Antrim in Ireland and Argyll in Scotland.

A study into the origins of the Scottish Gales, through an examination of hill and river names in County Antrim in Ireland and Argyll in Scotland. The commonly accepted view of the origin of the Gaelic speaking Scottish Gales is that in the early 6th Century there was a mass movement of the Gaelic speaking Irish from Ireland across to Argyle. Here the Irish Gales are said to have displaced the Brittonic speakers and therefore introduced Gaelic to the west coast of Scotland. In the mid 9th Century the kings of the Scottish Gales took over the Pictish region on the east of Scotland to form the country now known as Scotland. This view, although well established and supported, is littered with holes in the argument. In an article by Ewan Campbell, it is shown that there is no solid archaeological evidence to suggest a vast movement of people from Antrim to Argyll. Furthermore he shows that the documentary sources are unreliable at best. Ideas are put forward to suggest that the fault line between the Gaelic and Pictish and Brittonic speakers is not the Irish Sea, as it would be by today's societies, but the mountains of the Grampian Highlands. This shows that the Gaelic speaking area of Scotland could originally have been part of an Irish dynasty encompassing both Antrim and Argyll (Campbell 2001). This paper intends to examine the evidence within Campbell's article and analyse

  • Word count: 10803
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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The research subject of this diploma paper is European football sport terminology in modern English and translation of these terms into Ukrainian.

MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION OF RUSSIA SIBERIA POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY "The sport terminology translation hardship from English into Ukrainian" Prepared by Ivan Cherezov Prepared for: Mr. Salatov D. Siberia 2011 Table of contents Introduction I. Linguistic background. The sport terminology translation hardship from English into Ukrainian 1. Sport discourse .1 Sport metaphor 2. Language for specific purposes 2.1 Growth of language for specific purposes 2.2 Why sport English is a Language for Specific Purposes 3. Terminology and system of terms 3.1 The way the term appears 3.2 Term definition 3.3 Semantic features of a term 3.4 Morphological structure of sport terms in English 3.5 Ways of terminology translation 3.6 Sport terminology translation hardship 4. The analysis of the Soccer glossary II. Solution of the problem by means of Computational Linguistic. The creation of on-line dictionary of sport terms . The PHP programming language 2. The program product creation Conclusions References Introduction Nowadays a lot of scientists work on the issue of development and setting Ukrainian sport terminology and phraseology. It is obvious that this issue is very important. A lot of people go in for sports, are interested in it and use sport terms in everyday life. The implementation of Ukrainian system of sport terms for everyone to use it

  • Word count: 9472
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Managementul Relatiilor cu Clientii. Prezent de mai mult de 75 de ani pe piaa romneasc, Romtelecom este astzi una dintre cele mai bine cotate companii din Romnia,

Capitolul 1 Managementul relatiei cu clientii Notiunea de Management al relatiei cu clientii a devenit populara la mijlocul anilor '90. Filosofia MRC consta în recunoasterea faptului ca o relatie de lunga durata cu clientii poate fi unul dintre cele mai importante atuuri ale unei organizatii, oferind avantaje competitive si de profitabilitate îmbunatatite. Piata libera, diversificarea si globalizarea au stimulat o crestere dramatica a competitiei. Aceste realitati ale pietei au fortat companiile sa schimbe abordarea centrata pe produs într-o abordare centrata pe client. Prin trecerea de la piata vânzatorilor la cea a cumparatorilor, adesea în multe ramuri marfurile nu mai sunt vândute, ci sunt cumparate activ de clienti. De aceea MRC încearca sa optimizeze legatura dintre partenerii de afaceri în folosul ambelor parti. .1 Factorii care au condus la aparitia Managementului relatiei cu clientii In momentul în care a aparut Internet-ul lumea s-a schimbat categoric, întreaga lume inclusiv cea a afacerilor, acesta devenind azi o componenta indispensabila a afacerilor ce ofera multe posibilitati organizatiilor si mai cu seama multe oportunitati. Este foarte important pentru o companie moderna sa aiba un sistem prin care sa scurteze timpul de reactie la solicitarile clientilor, oferind astfel suport si calitate serviciilor oferite. În esenta, Managementul relatiei

  • Word count: 9249
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Derularea Negocierilor Comerciale Internationale. n sens larg, negocierea apare ca o forma concentrata si interactiva de comunicare interumana n care doua sau mai multe parti aflate n dezacord urmaresc

INTRODUCERE Negocierea joaca un rol important în tranzactiile comerciale internationale. Ea acopera în prezent o gama larga de domenii, cum sunt cel politico-diplomatic, social, cultural si, cu deosebire, cel economic. Fata de negocierile care se desfasoara în alte domenii, negocierea comerciala internationala prezinta o serie de trasaturi specifice, atât în ceea ce priveste continutul si modul de derulare, cât si în privinta strategiilor si tacticilor utilizate. În sens larg, negocierea apare ca o forma concentrata si interactiva de comunicare interumana în care doua sau mai multe parti aflate în dezacord urmaresc sa ajunga la o întelegere care rezolva o problema comuna sau atinge un scop comun. Întelegerea partilor poate fi un simplu acord verbal, consolidat printr-o strângere de mâina, poate fi un consens tacit, o minuta, o scrisoare de intentie sau un protocol, redactate în graba, poate fi o conventie sau un contract, redactate cu respectarea unor proceduri si uzante comune, dar mai poate însemna un armistitiu, un pact sau un tratat international, redactate cu respectarea unor proceduri si uzante speciale. În raport cu zona de interes în care se poarta negocieri, putem face distinctie între mai multe forme specifice de negociere. Cea mai uzuala este negocierea afacerilor sau negocierea comerciala care se concretizeaza în contract, acte si fapte de

  • Word count: 7456
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Trkiyede Mzeciliin Modernleme ve Kurumsallama Srecinde stanbul Resim ve Heykel Mzesi

Türkiye’de Müzeciliğin Modernleşme ve Kurumsallaşma Sürecinde İstanbul Resim ve Heykel Müzesi Burak Şen İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi ________________ ________________ Türkiye’de müzecilik Osmanlı Devleti’nin batı ile entegrasyon süreçlerinin hızı ile orantılı olarak kurumsallaşmaya başlamıştır. Fethi Ahmet Paşa’nın girişimleri ile padişahın da isteği üzerine Eski Eserler Koleksiyonunu[1] Aya İrini’de toplamasıyla Türk müzeciliğine katkı yaparak başlayan bu süreç sonralarda Sadrazam Ali Paşa

  • Word count: 6924
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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Cybercrime dalam korporat. Tidak selamanya suatu perubahan yang besar selalu membawa dampak positif karena seiring dengan berjalannya era globalisasi dan kemajuan teknologi,

BAB I Pendahuluan .1 Latar Belakang Masalah Tidak selamanya suatu perubahan yang besar selalu membawa dampak positif karena seiring dengan berjalannya era globalisasi dan kemajuan teknologi, banyak tindakan kriminal yang terjadi khususnya kejahatan dalam dunia Internet [cybercrime]. Perkembangan era globalisasi bergerak sangat cepat seiring dengan peningkatan teknologi informasi. Peningkatan teknologi informasi ini berupa perkembangan sistem jaringan dengan kabel menjadi sistem jaringan tanpa kabel, salah satunya adalah Internet, yang telah menjadi sarana informasi yang sangat populer dewasa ini. Hal tersebut menghilangkan batas wilayah antar negara yang menjadikan dunia ini begitu sempit dan membuat penyebaran informasi serta komunikasi menjadi mudah. Internet, selain memberi manfaat juga menimbulkan dampak negatif dengan terbukanya peluang penyalahgunaan teknologi tersebut. Dampak ini terlihat dari adanya cybercrime yang terjadi di berbagai belahan dunia. Cybercrime merupakan salah satu jenis kejahatan atau tindak pidana yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi yakni komputer. Ada beberapa jenis kejahatan cybercrime yang cukup menonjol beberapa tahun ini seperti pengedaran program komputer tanpa ijin, pencemaran nama baik lewat Internet, carding atau penipuan pembelian barang dengan kartu kredit palsu serta serangan virus atau worm. Hal itu terjadi

  • Word count: 6207
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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De kunst van het verleiden

C De kunst van het verleiden Doormiddel van oogcontact fysiek contact en door aandacht en interesse te tonen kun je laten merken dat je iemand aantrekkelijk vindt. 2 Bij een reclame van rexona is duidelijk te zien dat aantrekkingskracht een duidelijke rol speelt. Een vrouw loopt over straat met een grote tas boodschappen, ondertussen loopt er een homofiel stel langs. Op het moment dat zij de tas laat vallen schiet een van de twee haar te hulp, als zij beiden gehurkt zitten blijkt overduidelijk dat de man haar aantrekkelijk vind ondanks dat hij homofiel is, het moet dus wel de aantrekkingskracht van rexona zijn. Ik heb deze reclame gekozen omdat ik hem wel grappig vind en omdat het een perfect voorbeeld is van hoe aantrekkingskracht in de reclamewereld wordt gebruikt. 3A Stoffen die een zekere erotische tot seksuele uitstraling hebben zijn bijvoorbeeld satijn, fluweel en zijde, maar stoffen als leer en latex worden erotisch gevonden. De meest voorkomende kleuren als je kijkt naar erotische stoffen zij wit, zwart, rood en ook roze, verder wordt er ook vaak gebruik gemaakt van een dierenprint, vooral de luipaard en tijgerprint is erg in trek. B Bij de jurken die worden gedragen in de flamencodans worden de heupen en de borsten van de vrouw heel duidelijk geaccentueerd door de jurk er strak te maken bij deze delen. Maar het grote contrast komt juist door veel meer stof

  • Word count: 5934
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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