'All political parties are prey to the iron law of oligarchy.' Discuss

'All political parties are prey to the iron law of oligarchy.' Discuss The 'iron law of oligarchy' was a phrase first used by the German sociologist Roberto Michels in his book Political Parties, published in 1916. From historic insight and studies of both the German SPD and the Italian Socialist parties, Michels concluded that all parties, whatever their initial intensions, would be controlled by a political elite or oligarchy, who separated themselves, by the control of the bureaucracy, from the masses of their own party ranks. The reasons for this tendency towards oligarchy were the natural necessity for society to have a ruling class, the self fuelling desire for party officials to gain and retain power, and the effectiveness that centralised parties had in a political environment. Since 1916 Michels' work has gained a huge amount of support, particularly as the pressures of parties to centralise power is becoming more important in an increasingly competitive political world, but it is not without its critics. Opponents claim that Michels and his followers paint too black and white a picture and while there does seem to be a strong tendency for oligarchy to form, it can not be said to be an 'iron rule', as there are a number of examples where political parties have not taken on such a form. Much of Michels 'iron rule' theory was influenced heavily by Karl Marx'

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  • Word count: 1936
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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'A gets B to do something that he or she would not otherwise do'. Does this sum up the essence of political power?

'A gets B to do something that he or she would not otherwise do'. Does this sum up the essence of political power? Political power has been described as an "essentially contested concept1" and for good reason. Of all of the concepts in political science, power is probably that which is debated most often. This is perhaps unsurprising due to its importance within the discipline. Heywood suggests that "without doubt, students of politics are students of power2". The quote in the question refers to Robert Dahl's "intuitive idea of power3" outlined in his early article 'The Concept of Power4'. It is also the most commonly used 'definition' of power; however, to what extent does it describe the nature and essence of political power? As the extensive debate suggests, there are many problems when defining power. As the 'Oxford Dictionary of Politics explains, issues of "Intentionality", "Comparability and Quantifiability" and "Time and Causation5'" make arriving at a definition very difficult. Without Intentionality, it argues, "we are left with a paradoxical and useless concept of power... the concept of power becomes vague to the point of meaningless". Also, for a universal concept of power, it must allow for comparative analyses in the form of "A has more power than C in context x" or "A has more power than anybody else in context x" for example. This quote in the question

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  • Word count: 2099
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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Why is the single currency so important? Discuss with relation to issues of economic and political union.

Why is the single currency so important? Discuss with relation to issues of economic and political union. The introduction of the single European currency on 1st January 1999 represented, without doubt, a revolution in the way economic matters of Europe are managed. The economies of Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Austria, Portugal and Finland are now to a large extent harmonized under the one common currency, the Euro. Never before has such a project been undertaken uniting currencies and cultures alike. As deepening and widening of the European Union (EU) continues at a rapid pace, how does the single currency fit into the aims and goals of the European Council, and more importantly the aspirations of European citizens? Why is the success Euro crucial to the EU's long term stability and longevity? What political opposition exists towards the importance of the Euro as a driving force for further political integration? It is these questions that this essay seeks to address, providing political and economic reasoning in support of my arguments. Economically speaking, the introduction of the Euro was primarily designed to create a more stable European economy. Indeed, it was set out clearly in the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 as the underpinnings of all the European Commission's financial objectives for the single

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  • Word count: 1872
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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Why is the Common Agricultural Policy so difficult to reform?

Ross Lucas GV244 Essay 3 Why is the Common Agricultural Policy so difficult to reform? The political stakes attached to CAP reform are high, with several groups having a vested interest in its future. The CAP was the first supranational policy of the EU, and some countries still hold a romantic attachment to rural culture, although now only 5% of the EU workforce is comprised of farmers, a figure which shrinks every year1. Yet this minority holds enough power to preserve CAP subsidies, against the interests of taxpayers and consumers. There are several reasons for this, the predominant one being that "there is greater institutional presence and activity in the agricultural field than in any other" 2. This applies to both the national and European level. Indeed the size and organisation of the EU farm lobby is greater than any comparative group, with potential countervailing forces being much smaller and less organised than the farm lobby. This essay will focus on three particular areas that make CAP difficult to reform; the susceptibility of national governments to pressure from the domestic agricultural community, the institutional bias in the EU towards agricultural interests and the asymmetry of interests towards CAP between consumers and farmers. Despite its obvious decline the farming population in the EU remains significant. In France

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  • Word count: 1898
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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What evidence is there that the state is still the dominant actor in World Politics?

What evidence is there that the state is still the dominant actor in World Politics? For some 300 years from its emergence in the mid seventeenth century the state - in the specific form of the nation state - was rightly regarded as the dominant actor in international economic relationships. (Dicken; 1998, pp 79) One of the most prominent features of the global political system in the second half of the twentieth century is the significant surge in numbers and importance of non state entities. The rise of these transnationally organised non state actors (NSA) and their growing involvement in world politics challenge the assumptions of traditional approaches to international relations which assume that states are the only important units of the international system. This essay plans to analyse the extent of the states dominance in the sphere of world politics. The analysis of NSA influence and the states gradually decreasing dominance shall be explored with reference to two vastly different schools of thought. The first school of thought to be examined is that of 'realism' where a state-centric approach is adopted. The second school of thought to be considered is that of a complex interdependence system where NSA enjoy an almost equal pegging to that of states in the field of international relations. This essay shall refer to and question amongst other things, the growing

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  • Word count: 2243
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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Explain the economic and political deficiencies of the C A P

Explain the economic and political deficiencies of the C A P To answer this question it is essential first to state the objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy, as stated in Article 39 of the Treaty of Rome. ) to increase agricultural productivity by promoting technical progress and by ensuring the rational development of agricultural production and the optimum utilisation of all factors of production in particular labour. 2) To ensure thereby a 'fair' standard of living for the agricultural community, in particular by increasing the individual earnings of persons engaged in agriculture. 3) to stabilize markets. 4) to provide certainty of supplies. 5) to ensure supplies to consumers at reasonable prices. The second part of the essay looks at why such a policy was deemed necessary, and also how far politics can account for the consistent failure of the Community to deal with its problems. But the first part concerns why in economic terms the policy is fundamentally flawed. The problems of the C.A.P. go deeper than economic theorising as to why the policy itself has created imbalances within the agricultural system. They are fundamental. `Economic logic dictates agriculture to be a major contributor to economic development. This is true especially in the primary stages, whereby it releases resources to other sectors. By increasing its own productivity the labour

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  • Word count: 2079
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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Outline the principle ideological factors of Thatcherism

Outline the principle ideological factors of Thatcherism "Thatcherism represents something qualitatively new in British politics." `This statement, made by Stuart Hall in 1980, is a good starting point for a discussion of Thatcherism, raising as it does, several key questions. `Firstly, what is Thatcherism? Is it an ideology or is it, as Riddell believes, "an instinct, a series of moral values and an approach to leadership rather than an ideology"? (A view shared by Gamble, who regarded Thatcherism as being "essentially statecraft rather than ideology.") `Secondly, if Thatcherism is an ideology (and the majority of political commentators clearly see it as being so) then is it, as Hall claims, a new ideology or is it simply a continuation of traditional Conservative philosophy? Is it possible to distinguish between Conservatism and Thatcherism or are we in danger of losing sight of them altogether under an "overelaborate edifice of theory"? `We might even ask legitimately if Thatcherism is purely a British phenomenon (a view Beetham regards as one - dimensional) or whether or not it forms part of what Douglas calls the "international New Right movement". It may seem a paradoxical question but it is important in identifying that some of the most significant influences on Thatcherism have an undeniably international outlook. `"According to Hall and Gamble, Thatcherism is a

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  • Word count: 1592
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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'Critically discuss whether Britainhas been an 'awkward partner' (George) in relation to themovement towards European unity'.

'Critically discuss whether Britain has been an 'awkward partner' (George) in relation to the movement towards European unity'. Great confusion and differences in opinions exist today in Britain when considering the issue of Europe. The British Government seems to hold a wait and see policy on most issues raised within the European Parliament, whilst the citizens remain uncertain of the consequences and gains of deeper European Integration, with no definite leads from either of the main parties. When considering Britain's past involvement with Europe, it is continuing to show reluctance by remaining two steps behind everyone else. This reluctance in accepting all European policies and ideologies is why Britain is often dubbed the 'difficult' or 'awkward' partner. In this essay I intend to analyse these allegations to see to what extent Britain has been awkward. 'In 1902 Britain first entered into a long-term security alliance in peacetime' (Young 1993:02), but it was not only concerned with Europe. This alliance was signed after the Boer war, as it revealed the military weaknesses and problems of Europe uniting against Britain. Britain eventually committed itself to a war against the Central powers, Germany and Austria- Hungary in 1914, this required some large changes (such as restrictions on personnel freedom) and higher taxes. However Britain could not cope with these

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  • Word count: 1962
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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The future European Union - what should it be? An integrated federal state, a free trade area, something else?

The future European Union - what should it be? An integrated federal state, a free trade area, something else? Since the first enlargement of the European Community in 1973 northward, which saw the inclusion of the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark, the search for "an ever closer union" has been taking place. When EC recommended on 9th October 2002 that another ten countries should join in 2004, it is believed that the integration of Eastern Europe will push the European Union towards a new level, because it will provide a larger market, which will be the only way for the EU to compete in the new global economy. However, people cannot stop wondering, what the EU should be like in the future, as the new Europe will be highly diverse in all dimensions - not only in the field of economics, but also geopolitics, and social conditions, political priorities. In this essay, it will look at the future EU, being a state with liberty, democracy and solidarity. Liberty has two meanings. To start with, in terms of The Single European Act, the chapter on the single market committed the EC to remove all internal barriers by the end of 1992, enabling the free flow of goods, services, capital and people in the member countries. There is little doubt that the internal market will become the prime focus of economic interest and activity over the next few years since it has given the EC a

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  • Word count: 1699
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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"Assess the Political Influence of the Media in Britain"

"Assess the Political Influence of the Media in Britain" The political influence of the media has long been a topic for debate for politicians and academics across the spectrum, however whether it can change the views of the mass public is another question entirely. In order to assess the question, one must first look at the history of the media, its development and function, before moving onto looking at the role it plays in politics and the relationships and mutual dependence of the media and politicians. It is also important to look at some of the explanations that have been put forward to explain the media's role in voting behaviour. The term 'media' conjures up an array of different images in ones mind. As far back as the early seventeenth century there has been a 'media industry' in Britain, albeit a far cry from the multi functional, multi million pound industry that it boasts today. Prior to the invention of what is now termed "mass media", communication was predominantly verbal between political groups or the church. The first of the main mediums of today was the newspaper. The newspaper finally emerged as a major and continuous feature of national, political and cultural life when pre-publication censorship lapsed in England and Wales (Harris, B. 1996, p6.). These papers were however, free to offer opinions and could be openly biased. During the period of

  • Word count: 2730
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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