How significant was Chinas intervention in deciding the course and outcome of the Korean War?

How Significant was China’s intervention in deciding the course and outcome of the Civil War? China’s intervention in the Korean played a significant part in deciding the course and outcome of the Civil War in a variety of ways. Among the most significant of these factors are the role played by the Chinese ‘volunteer’ army in pushing the UN forces back to the 38th Parallel and then South Korea, which prolonged a conflict which was seemingly going to be won by the UN. Without this intervention, the stalemate that led to the eventual Armistice would never have happened. Also, if China hadn’t intervened, then General MacArthur may not have been sacked by Truman, as part of the reason for his sacking was his failure to prevent the advance of the PRC; this would have been academic if the PRC hadn’t intervened in the war. If China had not intervened, MacArthur could have still been in control of the army ( as Truman would have had less reason to dismiss him), and as a result the US could have held a more aggressive stance towards attacking mainland China, as this is what MacArthur wanted in order to end the conflict quickly. Chinese intervention also meant that the damage and cost to all sides increased, as well as the significant impact China had on the eventual peace terms. One of the main factors that demonstrate the significance of the Chinese intervention was the

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  • Word count: 1492
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: History
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Pourquoi zola compare-t-il ses personnages a des betes humaines?

Pourquoi Zola Compare-t-il Ses Personnages A Des Bêtes Humaines? Émile Zola - un écrivain du ixième siècle et pionnier du Naturalisme - a reçu beaucoup de critique pendant sa carrière littéraire à cause de son écriture innovatrice. Dans son œuvre Thérèse Raquin il décrit avec une précision méticuleuse un "dame violent" d'adultère, du meurtre et du suicide. Selon Zola, qui déclare dans la préface de la deuxième édition de Thérèse Raquin, "pas un des pudiques journalistes qui ont rougi en lisant Thérèse Raquin lui paraît avoir compris ce roman". Mon but pour cette dissertation est d'essayer de comprendre ce roman, c'est-à-dire je vais considérer pourquoi Zola a comparé ses personnages à des bêtes humaines en employant une approche scientifique et pourquoi il a voulu étudier les tempéraments au lieu des caractères. En fait le Naturalisme, c'est un genre de la littérature selon laquelle on essaye de considérer les êtres humaines comme des objets pour pouvoir aller plus loin que simplement les observer (comme dans la plupart de la littérature) mais les étudier. Dans Thérèse Raquin Zola a traité ses personnages plutôt comme des produits chimiques dans une réaction - avec des propriétés prédéterminées qui vont toujours réagir de la même façon (souvent violent) - et non comme des vraies êtres humaines. Zola a donné aux amants

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  • Word count: 716
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Who was to blame for the Cold War?

As Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signified, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold but not clothed." This statement could be directly applied to the Cold War. The term "Cold War" means "a state of political hostility and military tension between two countries or power blocs, involving propaganda, subversion, threats, etc" (Cold War Def.). The Cold War lasted from the end of WWII, in 1945, to the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1989. It also included the Korean and Vietnam Wars and other conflicts in the Middle East and Africa. Both the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) were responsible for the political, economic, militaristic and ideological causes of the Cold War. Following the Second World War, Germany was separated into four independent quarters, Russian, American, British and French; from this division, the Cold War emerged (Collier 26). This proximity led to tensions and hostilities that surfaced in the years following WWII. There are three theses regarding the origins of the Cold War: the "Orthodox" belief that "the intransigence of Leninist ideology, the sinister dynamics of a totalitarian society, and the madness of Stalin" (McCauley 88) caused the Cold War; the "Revisionist" idea that "American policy offered the Russians

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  • Word count: 1516
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: History
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Dans un sac de billes, l'auteur raconte sa propre enfance de façon intéressante et captivante, il insiste sur les différentes étapes de leur course incessante vers la liberté et la paix.

- Dans un sac de billes, l'auteur raconte sa propre enfance de façon intéressante et captivante, il insiste sur les différentes étapes de leur course incessante vers la liberté et la paix. Il explique comment ils ont réussi à survivre dans le France occupée. - L'action du livre se passe pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en 1941. L'armeé allemande occupe Paris. Pour la famille juive Joffo la situation est devenue très difficile. Finalement, le père décide que Joseph, dix ans et son frère Maurice, douze ans, partiront en zone libre. Dans " Un sac de billes ", Joseph Joffo décrit sa aventure qu'il a vécue avec son frère en fuyant à travers la France pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale. Joseph Joffo et son frère Maurice habite à Paris, une ville sans problèmes apparents. Tout va pour le mieux quand en 1941 Paris est occupé par les ennemis nazis qui obligent tous les juifs à porter l'étoile jaune. Mais le racisme qui en découle ne laisse qu'une seule possibilité aux frères Joffo,deux garçons juifs dont le père exploite un salon de coiffure à Paris : il faut fuir bientôt pour qu'ils ne tombent pas entre les mains de la Gestapo. Maurice,12 ans et Joseph,10 ans, doivent rejoindre leurs frères aînés Henri et Albert qui sont déjà installés à Menton.Les parents suivront plus tard. Les deux gamins ont donc à franchir la ligne de démarcation

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  • Word count: 832
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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Compare and Contrast the attitudes to war conveyed in the poems Anthem for Doomed Youth and The Soldier

Compare and Contrast the attitudes to war conveyed in the poems 'Anthem for Doomed Youth' and 'The Soldier' Anthem for Doomed Youth, written by Wilfred Owens and The Soldier, by Rupert Brooke, are two war poems written during the Second World War. They are both based on different sides of the war and are both Sonnets based on Shakespearean layouts. The first one, 'Anthem for Doomed Youth', describes the flaws and disadvantages of the war. Saying it is a loss of young men, as described in the title. The second, 'The Soldier', contradicts with the first poem, explains that it is devote for our country, a soul cleaner. There are similarities in these Sonnets, such as that they both talk about death and how this counteracts. In 'Anthem for Doomed Youth' the poet, Wilfred Owen, describes war as a "die as cattle", being a slaughter, and a barbaric fight that if fought, you have no choice like the cattle in a slaughter house, to be killed. When Owen describes the "anger of the guns" with monstrous he shows the "funeral" is not of anger but of pity and sorrow. This also shows how furcating and devours the death of many people is. Owen uses many persuasive techniques like Onomatopoeia such as the "rapid rattle" used when the "stuttering riles'", used to describe the only sound being the continues fire of guns. Owen uses religion in the sonnet, because in 1914, Christian religion

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  • Word count: 766
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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To what extent was America's policy of containment successful? Use Korea, Cuba and Vietnam in your investigation.

To what extent was America's policy of containment successful? Use Korea, Cuba and Vietnam in your investigation. American policy of containment refers to the foreign policy strategy of the US in the early years of the Cold war. The policy was to defeat the Soviet Union by preventing it from expanding the territories under its Communist control or otherwise extending its influence. This, naturally, resulted in strained relations and rivalry between the two superpowers. Despite the many difficulties, American policy of containment during the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Vietnam War did manage to contain the expansion of Communism to a certain extent. The containment of communism in Korea was successful. The Korean War, which started on June 25, 1950 and ended with a cease fire on July 27, 1953, was a civil war between North Korea and South Korea. This Cold War era fighting is considered to have been a proxy war between the United States and its Western democratic allies, and the Communist powers (Soviet Union and People's Republic of China). North Korea was supported by Communist China and the Soviet Union, and South Korea was supported by the United States and its Western allies. Communist North Korea sought to spread its influence and control to the South. In October 1950, hostility spilled over into open warfare. North Korean troops overwhelmed the South

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  • Word count: 1063
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: History
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Carrie's war book review

Carrie's war book review Carries war is an adventure story. It is set in World War 2 "when England was at war with Germany", and is focused on a brother and sister called Carrie and Nick coping with the tears and trauma of evacuation; therefore there is the occasional emotional part to this story. The story is set in 1939 in a small remote town in Wales. One of the many settings in Carries war is Druids Bottom. It is a very spooky, eerie place when Carrie and Nick first encounter it, but after while it becomes like a second home to them. The other main setting in the book is the Evan's house. It is a very neat, orderly and pristine house where everything has its place, and things are done in a certain way. The house isn't used to having children living in it so I think it is a bit of a shock to the system when Carrie and Nick move in. The atmosphere in Carrie's war changes throughout the story. In some parts, like when Carrie and Nick have their farewell picnic with Mr Evans and Aunty Lou and when they get their going away presents, there is a happy atmosphere. It is a touching moment and the writer engages the reader by her effective descriptions and choice of words. In other parts of the story the mood changes to a sad atmosphere when Mrs Gotobed dies and when the carries sees Druids Bottom on fire. The mood changes because of the similes and the detailed description

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  • Word count: 680
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Ireland and World War 1

Ireland and World War 1 By 1912 different Irish groups were still fighting over the matter of Home Rule. Unionists, lead by Edward Carson and James Craig, wanted to stay loyal to Britain and remain under British rule, they said that if Home Rule did come about, that Ulster should be treated separately. John Redmond, leader of the Irish Nationalists, wanted some power given to Ireland but they said that they would still remain loyal to Britain and the monarchy. Padraig Pearse and the IRB (Irish Republican Brotherhood), who were Irish Republicans, wanted more than Home Rule, they wanted total separation from Britain and they wanted a free Ireland. In Westminster, Conservatives (supported by Unionists) and Liberals (supported by Nationalists) were fighting over the Third Home Rule Bill in 1912, Herbert Asquith (leader of the Liberals) who was Prime Minister at the time, was in favour of Home Rule because he needed the support of Redmond and the Home Rule Party or the IPP (Irish Parliamentary Party). But the Home Rule Bill was never passed because Conservatives took power (with Bonar Law) and they were opposed to Home Rule. With both, Unionists and Nationalists, having militant organisations (the UVF & Irish Volunteers), the race for arming was frantic in Larne and Howth. Ireland was heading towards a civil war between Ulster Unionists and Irish Nationalists/Republicans BUT

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  • Word count: 1689
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: History
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Wilfred Owen`s War Poems.

Wilfred Owen`s War Poems Wilfred Owen was born on 18th March 1893 in Oswestry, Britain. Wilfred Owen was a compassionate poet, his work provides the finest descriptions and critique of the soldier`s experiences during World War 1. He was killed in battle on 4th November 1918 in Ors, France, one week before the peace was declared. World War 1 "The Great War" also called "The war to end all wars" broke out in the year 1914 and ended in the year 1918. For many years afterwards its causes, and the conduct of all the participants were minutely picked-over, investigated and analysed. After, numerous books were written on all the War's aspects. Those soldiers who had fought in the trenches returned home and tried to resume normal lives - often by no means easy, especially for those who had been wounded, not only physically but also mentally by the horrors which they had experienced. Disabled shows the after effects of a soldier after this war ended. It shows how human beings not only loose parts of their bodies but also lose their future and their desire to live as portrated in the soldier that this poem is based on because he is not able to do the things that he used to do before being in the war. Mental Cases The narrator in this three stanza poem observes men in a mental hospital who suffer from what at the time was called shell shock and now might be labeled post-traumatic

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  • Word count: 883
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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World War One Sources Question

World War One Sources Question a) The main aim of the Schlieffen Plan was to win a war over France so that Germany could become the most powerful country in Europe. However if, as the Germans thought, France's ally Russia would come to help the French then the Germans would have to split up their army as Russia bordered Germany on one side and France the other therefore Germany would have to fight a war on two fronts. The Germans therefore thought up a plan that would enable them to fight only one country at a time. The plan was that Russia would take six to ten weeks to mobilise their army, after they had heard about the war, as Russia's railways and roads were quite backward and it would take time to assemble all their men from all over the country. This would give the Germans enough time to defeat France. The problem was how to defeat France in just six weeks when the French already had troops along the French/German border and behind the troops were heavily fortified towns. The Germans needed to launch a surprise attack on France if they were going to achieve their objective of winning a war over France. However, the French had not put up any defences on the French/Belgian border as Belgium was a neutral country and the French would not expect an attack from there. Part of the Schlieffen Plan, therefore, was to attack through Belgium and the Germans hoped that the

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  • Word count: 2153
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: History
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