Ma Vacance (My Holiday)

<<School_Name>> Le collège qui s'appelle <<School_Name>> était construit en 1942. Au début, il y avait 100 élèves et cinq professeurs. Pourtant, maintenant il y a neuf cent élèves, cinquante professeurs et quarante-huit classes environ. Le collège fait 200 mètres sur 300. On y peut trouver beaucoup de plants et d'animaux exceptionnels dans leur réserve de faune. Les élèves de <<School_Name>> ont cinq leçons par jour. D'habitude un élève a trois cours le matin et deux cours l'après-midi; généralement, un cours dure une heure mais rarement, s'il y a une interruption (comme un exercice d'incendie), il dure plus petit que habituel. Au collège, un journée typique est: COURS 1 9h10 - 10h10 COURS 2 0h15 - 11h10 COURS 3 1h30 - 12h30 COURS 4 2h35 - 13h30 COURS 5 4h15 - 15h15 Lundi ----------> L' ANGLAIS L'EMT ----------> LA GÉO LE FRANÇAIS ----------> ----------> LES MATHS Mardi ----------- L' ANGLAIS LES TEXTILES TION - LES MATHS LA CITOYEN-NETÉ ER----- ----------- LE SPORT Mercredi L'APPEL LA PHYSIQUE LA DESSIN RÉCRÉA LES TEXTILES LE FRANÇAIS DEJEUN L'APPEL L'HISTORIE - GÉO Jeudi ------- L' HISTOIRE LES MATHS --LA LA RELIGION LA BIOLOGIE ---LE ------ L' ANGLAIS Vendredi <---------- LA MUSIQUE L'ART DRAMA-TIQUE <--------- LA CHIMIE L' HISTORIE <----------

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 798
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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The Scott Report and the Making of the Modern Countryside - 'How penetrating was the Scott report's analysis of rural problems and what were the consequences of its recommendations?'

The Scott Report and the Making of the Modern Countryside 'How penetrating was the Scott report's analysis of rural problems and what were the consequences of its recommendations?' Nineteenth century Britain violently swung from being a predominantly agricultural society to being the "workshop of the world". Such a dramatic shift led to ramifications in all British factions especially the countryside. The Scott Report otherwise known as the Majority Report was published in 1942. It summed up the complex changes that had been taking place in rural England during the preceding half-century, and set out a series of plans and recommendations for the government to subsequently follow. The Report has been sited as the most influential document concerning the English countryside of the twentieth century. It has, however, not been without criticism. Many have been damning in their condemnation of the catastrophic impact it has had on the countryside in the following half century. Why is this so? The Scott Report was primarily the product of four men; Scott, Stamp, Hudson and Reath. The integrity of each has been called into question as much as the Report itself. Questions have even arisen whether the alleged author Scott actually wrote the report. Each contributor's bias, some would claim, is clearly visible in the message the report conveys. Hudson, for example, the Minister of

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 2147
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Geography
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Hitler - Jews

How did Hitler's policy affect the lives of the Jews? Hitler possessed strong anti-Semitic views for many reasons. He and fellow Nazis were strong believers in Social Darwinism, which was survival of the fittest; Hitler called the superior race in his opinion, the "Aryans". He therefore believed that the Jews should be eliminated. Also, anti-Semitism had a long history, so the Jews were an easy scapegoat for Germany's problems that Hitler could use. In addition to that, the Jewish people were often very successful and wealthy, so Germans thought that they were stealing money from them, and in many instances were jealous of them. So, Hitler adopted strong anti-Semitic policies; they were not the most popular of his decisions, but they were carried out with great strength. There were 5 main stages to the persecution of the Jews: * Livelihoods were attacked, * They were singled out, * Nuremburg Laws, * Violence, * Final Solution. At first, the Jews' livelihoods were attacked. Many of them were sacked from their jobs, such as those who were teachers and doctors. They weren't allowed to serve on a jury or work with Aryans. The next stage was more serious, which was when the Jews were singled out. Their passports were stamped with a "J", and in public they were forced to sit on separate yellow benches. Furthermore, their shops had a Star of David painted on them, and Jews

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 526
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: History
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Law - Resulting trusts

Peter Gibson L.J. began his judgment in Drake v Whipp: "Yet again this court is asked to rule on a dispute between a man and a woman, who cohabited but were not married to each other, as to their respective beneficial interests in a property which they purchased to be their home but which was put into the man's name only. The usual lengthy litany of authorities as well as more recent additions have been recited to us and, as is notorious, it is not easy to reconcile every judicial utterance in this well-travelled area of the law." The above indicates just how frustrated the courts have become with the area of resulting trusts. The years when men did the work and women stayed home and cooked have gone but yet the law still has not changed, women now considered equal as seen in Article 5 Protocol 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights which requiring the law to treat husband and wife equally. This paper will consider the judgments made and reform offered and whether the current general law is adequate. In Re Vandervells Trust No 21 Megarry J. described what a presumed resulting trust was: "The first class of case is where the transfer to B is not made on any trust ... there is a rebuttable presumption that B holds on resulting trust for A. The question is not one of the automatic consequences of a dispositive failure by A, but one of presumption: the property has been

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  • Word count: 8003
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Law
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What is a species?

What is a species? "Species is a Latin word meaning 'kind' or 'appearance.'" (Campbell and Reece, 2005, p.473). However, clarifying what actually constitutes a species is controversial, as Biologists cannot agree on a specific definition of the word. Species is a term used by humans in attempt to place different 'kinds' of organisms into distinct groups using taxonomy - biological classification. A scientific name in the form of a binomial nomenclature is used to describe these groups. It is always written in italics with the capitalised Latin genus name followed by the species name. Species, therefore, is a fundamental category in taxonomy and important in the scientific naming of organisms. It is therefore essential for us to have a proper understanding of species. However, as a consequence of Biologists being divided in opinion on the nature of species, several concepts have been proposed to define the term. Therefore the answer to the question 'what is a species?' differs depending on which species concept is applied. The biological species concept (BSC) is the most frequently used and widely accepted definition of species. This concept was originally proposed in 1942 by biologist Ernst Mayr. Ernst Mayr stated that "species are groups of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups." (Ernst, 1963 cited in Ridley,

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1480
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Biological Sciences
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A critical appreciation of 'to my mother' by George Baker.

Sonnet To My Mother Most near, most dear, most loved, and most far, Under the huge window where I often found her Sitting as huge as Asia, seismic with laughter, Gin and chicken helpless in her Irish hand, Irresistible as Rabelais but most tender for The lame dogs and hurt birds that surround her,- She is a procession no one can follow after But be like a little dog following a brass band. She will not glance up at the bomber or condescend To drop her gin and scuttle to a cellar, But lean on the mahogany table like a mountain Whom only faith can move, and so I send O all her faith and all my love to tell her That she will move from mourning into morning. George Barker A critical appreciation of 'to my mother' by George Baker This sonnet by George Baker is, as the title suggests, a tribute to his mother, evidently, at the time of the aerial bombardment of Britain by the Luftwaffe in the Blitz during the Second World War. The poet was then, apparently, living in a far distant part of the world, as he refers to his mother being 'most far'. This was probably some time between 1942 and 1943 when Baker was living in the U.S.A and Canada. The poet's intension is not only to pay tribute to his mother but, more specifically, as the poem is addressed 'to' her, to send her his love and expression of his firm belief that she will 'move' from 'mourning to morning', in

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 1262
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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Discuss the relevance of the concept of the rule of law to current constitutional arrangements in the UK

"In the mouth of British Constitutional Lawyer, the term "rule of law" seems to mean primary a corpus of basic principles and values, which together lend some stability and coherence to the legal order". (TRS Allan). In the light of the quote above, I am going to discuss the relevance of the concept of the rule of law to current constitutional arrangements in the UK. I will be looking at the current constitution in the UK, the doctrine of the rule of law and the relevance of the doctrine in the operation of state power. The UK is said to have an "unwritten constitution", because it has no single codified documentary constitution. However most of the constitution does exist in the written form of treaties, statutes and court judgements. Due to the absence of a formal written constitution in the UK, there is no positive statement of the basic principles governing state actions and no guidelines that could be used to assess the legitimacy of government action. Lawyers and politicians have used the concept of the rule of law in order to provide such a measure.1 The rule of law is capable of being interpreted differently by different people. It is a recognised principle of the English constitution, which is frequently used to signify a notion of "law and order". At it's broadest it is a framework that constrains arbitrary use of power. The concept of the rule of law dates

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 2686
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Law
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To what extent were Malcolm X and the subsequent Black Power Movement the 'Evil Twin' of the Civil Rights Movement in the late twentieth century in the United States of America?

To what extent were Malcolm X and the subsequent Black Power Movement the 'Evil Twin'1 of the Civil Rights Movement in the late twentieth century in the United States of America? Malcolm X2 and the subsequent Black Power3 Movement (BPM) stemmed from the nationalist African American population and so took a different stance in their fight for Civil Rights than other leaders such as Martin Luther King4 (King). With this distinction, has come a historical debate into whether Malcolm X and the BPM aided or hindered the Civil Rights Movement (CRM); something that has been debated between historians such as Sitkoff and Cook. The purpose of this study is to decide whether Malcolm X and the BPM are indeed the 'evil twin' of the CRM or whether this title is unjust. Malcolm X was a black nationalist5 and a member of the Nation of Islam6. Malcolm X, through his father, garnered the beliefs of Marcus Garvey7 and his 'Back to Africa' campaign. He also believed in militancy as a method to attain black independence through the notion; 'fight violence with violence'. He believed that rather than allowing the continual persecution of African Americans by whites, it was rational for African Americans to defend themselves with as much force as was necessary as advocated in his 'by any means necessary'8 speech. This caused much tension between the two distinct civil rights movements because it

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 5947
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: History
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Social Work Values. Values and ethics have been of fundamental importance throughout the development of the social work profession.

“Values are central to being human: nothing we do is unconnected with values. If we want to understand, and be able to work with people, then we need to have an understanding of the complexities of values in people’s lives. Any attempt to understand people that does not consider the values dimension is doomed to failure as values are so central to everything we do, both as individuals and professional social workers.” Adapted from: Moss, B. & Thompson, N. (2008) Meaning and Values: developing empowering practice. Russell House Publishing The above statement is essentially saying that an individual’s set of values play an imperative part in every decision, action or behaviour in their everyday lives. A person’s value system can be made up of personal, ethical, cultural or political vales. Along with their own personal values, social workers must also adhere to a strict set of professional values outlined by the General Social Care Council’s (GSCC) codes of conduct. It can be difficult for a practitioner to find a balance between these often conflicting and opposing value systems. Values and ethics have been of fundamental importance throughout the development of the social work profession. Founded in 1869, the Charity Organisation Society is often identified as the roots of modern social work. (Smith, 2002) It was set up in response to the belief that

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 2713
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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'Is Nuclear Power the Solution to our Energy Problems?' Case Study

Is Nuclear Power the Solution to our Energy Problems? By Sean Hudson Contents Introduction 3 Background Information 4 How Cloning Benefits Society 5 How Cloning Endangers Society 7 Conclusion 9 Bibliography 10 Introduction The use of nuclear power is a controversial topic. Some support nuclear power believing that it offers the solution to our current energy problems. Others, however, believe that nuclear power is a dangerous form of energy as an accident can have severe consequences such as the Chernobyl disaster. In the following case study I will study and discuss the benefits and dangers of nuclear power, provide evidence through use of sources and finally end with a balanced conclusion summarising both the case study and my own opinions. This case study will be viewed by other year 11 students so in order to match my target audience I have used various presentational devices including a range of font types, pictures and diagrams. Background Information

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 2032
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Science
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