The poet Robert Browning of 'Porphyria's Lover' and the writer of 'First Love', John Clare, both delve into the complexity of love in many ways, some similar and others contrasting.

Explore and explain the similarities and differences between the way each poet deals with the theme of love in 'Porphyria's Lover' and 'First Love'. How do you account for these differences? The poet Robert Browning of 'Porphyria's Lover' and the writer of 'First Love', John Clare, both delve into the complexity of love in many ways, some similar and others contrasting. The most apparent similarity is that both poems are written in the style of a monologue. Throughout these poems the reader is enlightened only to the man's perspective; therefore as a reader, we never encounter the woman's emotions and can only guess by analyzing the text of what these could be. Throughout the monologues both lovers' characteristics are revealed. In 'First Love' the reader encounters a man who is unthreatening and we experience the innocence of him falling in love for the first time. This contrasts with 'Porphyria's Lover' where the reader is subject to the mind of a lover who has a jealous and obsessive nature. The reader is immediately aware of this lover's obsessive character in the opening line. The poet Robert Browning uses the imagery of a storm to imitate the lover's emotions. The violence of the storm 'tore the elm tops down for spite', warns the reader that his emotions are indeed negative and volatile. The use of personification is present when describing the storm. This is shown

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  • Word count: 1758
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Consider the relationship between John Proctor and Abigail Williams and how Arthur Miller presents it to an audience.

Consider the relationship between John Proctor and Abigail Williams and how Arthur Miller presents it to an audience. Arthur Miller wrote the play "The Crucible" in 1953. He wrote the play as a response to his own experiences in the witch-hunt, which were concerned with anti-Capitalist Pro-Communist accusations. Miller himself was accused of anti-American activities. He wrote the play set in an area of Massachusetts called Salem in 1692 where some adolescent girls were dabbling in the supernatural and the jails were eventually filled with men and women accused of witchcraft and twenty people were hanged. The inhabitants of Salem were rigid in their interpretation of the Bible, believing in witches and the Devil. They believed also that the Bible instructed them that witches must be hanged. John Proctor is the central character in the play. He is the husband of a good Puritan woman, Elizabeth, and is the lover of a young girl in the town, Abigail. She was employed in John Proctor's household as a maid. When we first meet John Proctor, we are given a powerful description of him. He is described as a man in his mid-thirties, powerful of body and even tempered. We see John and Abigail in conversation together. John says, "What's this mischief here?" and Abigail replies, "Oh, she's gone silly somehow," talking of Mercy, another young girl of the town. Abigail tells

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  • Word count: 2161
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Do you learn better by yourself or with a teacher?

Do you learn better by yourself or with a teacher? Some people claim that they can learn better by themselves with the help of books and Internet which has many study materials, whereas having a teacher makes them more rely on his/her help. However, those who think this way do not realize several beneficial advantages of having a teacher. Here are a few reasons why I prefer the help of teachers. First, whenever we study and read the new topics or subjects, questions regarding those matters start to appear. At that moment, we need someone to answer those questions and tell us more details about them. From my own experience, when I was a high school student, I had a hard time understanding integral calculus. Although I spent a lot of time studying that particular subject, I couldn`t not only catch up with the required assignment but figure out how to solve the problems by myself. My math teacher pointed out my mistakes and suggested a systematic and better way to approach this subject. I finally got a better and deeper understanding of it. Without that help, this would either have taken too much time or never solved at all. Another reason why teachers are needed is because they not only convey knowledge to students but also give them a right direction. For example, most the students who have just entered into college tend to misuse their freedom e. g. parties, alcoholic drink,

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  • Word count: 424
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Business Studies
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How a business uses ICT to communicate and operate

C1 For one business describe the different methods of oral and written communication used and describe, with examples, how it uses ICT to communicate and operate. Ikea Oral Ikea use the tannoy system in their store in order to communicate with their employees. They use the tannoy to call the employees to meetings and it is also used to gather the employees in the morning for their daily huddle. These huddles are very useful, and appropriate as they are arranged in order to give out information to the employees, as well as to discuss problems from the previous day and to set targets to overcome these problems from occurring again. At these short meetings employees can voice their concerns about any possible problems and set backs in sales and get a feedback from others on how they could cope with these problems and stop them from occurring. A further example of oral communication in Ikea is the usage of mobile phones, which employees use to communicate with other employees and managers at the store. This is a very appropriate method of communication for the reason that it is helpful because it can be used in the case of an emergency or when you need to get hold of a fellow employee to discuss matters. Having a mobile phone is useful because you can get in touch with fellow employees without having to arrange a meeting. Written A written method of communication which

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  • Word count: 740
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Business Studies
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Describe the way of life of the Lakota (Sioux) and Cheyenne Indians before the arrival of the whites.

The Indian's way of Life Describe the way of life of the Lakota (Sioux) and Cheyenne Indians before the arrival of the whites. In historic times the Indians lived the broad expanse of Americas heartland between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains, and from the Saskatchewan River Basin in Canada to Central Texas. Both their culture and history lent themselves to the works of writers and dramatists who romantised the hard riding buffalo hunters and warriors that is the image many of us have of the American Indians today. There were two main sub cultures existing in different parts of the area. The first was the agricultural tribes that lived along the Eastern Plains. The were known as farmers due to the area being covered in grass making it ideal land to grow their own food. The second sub culture being the Western Plains Indians. They were nomadic and they relied entirely on the products of the buffalo. There were many different tribes of Indians, each having their own language, customs and their own individual grounds. Some of the best known tribes being Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapahos, Nez Perces, Comanche's and Apaches. When invaded by the whites fighting broke out, as they wanted to claim the land the Indians were living on. Obviously they resisted, The Sioux and Cheyenne were the first who fought the fiercest to keep the land. The Sioux Indians were the most

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  • Word count: 1862
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: History
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Animal Farm - Snowball's Diary

Animal Farm Snowball's Diary 8th March Old Major died in his sleep today. He had known that his time was near. He gathered us all into the barn only 3 days previously and spoke openly of the wisdom he had gained over the years and of the strange dream that he had. He spoke of how we are all comrades. He asked what kind of life do we have? 'Miserable, laborious and short.' We are given only so much to eat that will keep us breathing and give us the strength to carry out a days work and no more. We are pushed to the limits and when we are not capable of carrying out our duties we are slaughtered with hideous cruelty. Most animals do not know the meaning of happiness because they do not live beyond 1 year. The life of an animal is misery and slavery. Remove man from the scene and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished forever. Man is lord of all the animals, he makes them work, gives food enough to prevent us from starving and keeps the rest for himself. He is very selfish he is our enemy. He spoke of Rebellion and how we must fight when the time came for future generations to carry on the struggle until it is victorious. Little did we know the Rebellion was going to start so soon. 1th March Napoleon and I decided to hold meetings during the, week to discuss and prepare for the Rebellion if it was to happen. Today I was talking to my comrades about how we

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  • Word count: 2147
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Describe major barriers to and the incentives for the development of ecommerce.

Describe major barriers to and the incentives for the development of ecommerce. The advantage that e-commerce will provide is speed. The Internet and the World Wide Web gives opportunities to exchange messages. Even with the slowest connections, doing business electronically is much faster than traditional modes. With the increased speeds of communication, the delivery time is minimized. Also any product can be found for sale on the Internet. Information appearing on the Internet can be changed rapidly. This gives company the ability to inform customers of any changes to the service that they are offering. This also allows for them to update marketing and promotional materials. Savings the second advantage of electronic commerce many company offer to save on costs. By using the Internet, marketing, phone, postage and printing costs, can be reduced. Disadvantages of E - Commerce Privacy and Security is a main source of trouble is customer concerns with privacy and security. Anything sent over the Internet is sent through several different computers before it reaches its destination. Hackers can steal credit card or checking account data as it is transferred into computers that hold the same information. Security on the Internet is much like security for a home. There is a point when the effort outweighs the advantages. As with a home the owner will usually stop adding

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  • Word count: 526
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: ICT
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writing exam french healthy lifestyle

À mon opinion je suis assez en bonne santé parce que j'ai tendance à manger correctement et je fais de l'exercice souvent. La santé est très importante, parce que vous devez manger équilibré et faire un de l'activité physique pour la forme et éviter l'obésité et les autres problèmes de santé. Pour garder ma bonne forme je fais du sport régulièrement et je manger équilibré. Au petit déjeuner normalement je mange du pain et je bois du thé au lait. Á midi, je ne mange pas rien parce que à 'la cantine c'est trop cher. En revanche normalement je mange un sandwich au fromage pour mon déjeuner quand je retourné à la maison. Je ne mange jamais de porc parce que c'est interdit aux musulmans. Hier, pour le dîner j'ai mangé de l'agneau avec des légumes et j'ai bu de l'eau. J'adore les légumes, surtout les haricots verts et les petit pois. Par contre, je déteste les choux de Bruxelles. Le goût ne me plait pas du tout. C'est beaucoup trop amer pour moi. Je n'aime pas le fast-food parce qu'il y a trop de graisse et de sucre dedans mais je mange quelque fois. J'ai des petites faiblesses, par exemple j'adore le chocolat, mais en général je n'ai pas des mauvaises habitudes. Pour rester en forme, il est bon de faire de l'exercice. Je marche aussi souvent que possible. Je fais aussi du sport tous les jours. J'ai pratiqué beaucoup d'activités différentes

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  • Word count: 554
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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Commentary on Seamus Heaney's "Scaffolding".

Mrs. Guezalova English IB 11 Commentary on Seamus Heaney's "Scaffolding" Jennifer Wang Block C Feb. 5, 2004 Seamus Heaney's "Scaffolding" is a simple yet dense poem. The poem uses metaphor to suggest that relationships are not naturally exist but are built over a period of time. Once this relationship has formed its shape, the endurance of such can be reached at eternity. With a determined, confident and very inspirational tone, Heaney emphasizes the importance of trust between the two people through five neat couplets with rhyme. "Masons" in the very first line of the poem is a metaphor suggesting the two people who share the same interests that are determined to establish a friendship. "When they start upon a building / Are careful to test out the scaffolding" depicts the two person's first try to build a friendship. The word "careful" and "test" shows the uneasiness of getting to know a person well at the beginning of the meet due to human's cautious nature. The process towards relationship building is instilled in the next two stanzas. "Make sure that the planks won't slip at busy points" can be interpreted as when mutual difficulties arise, the two people would join together to solve the problems and the relationship won't fall from it. "Ladders" represents the essential stages to reach the height of the relationship and to "tighten bolted joints" refers to the

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  • Word count: 502
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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The purpose of this experiment is to see what factors affect the period of one complete oscillation of a simple pendulum.

SCIENCE COURSEWORK PENDULUM EXPERIMENT Aim The purpose of this experiment is to see what factors affect the period of one complete oscillation of a simple pendulum. In this investigation I am going to discover and investigate the factors, which affect the time for one complete oscillation of a simple pendulum. It is important to understand what a pendulum is. A pendulum has a weight or mass fixed and left hanging of the string. An oscillation is one cycle of the pendulums motion e.g. from position a to b and back to a. I will time how long it takes for one oscillation of the pendulum. I am going to do a simple preliminary experiment to investigate which of the factors I test have an effect on the time for one complete oscillation. The factors basic variable factors I can test are: ? Length (the distance between the point of suspension and the mass) ? Mass (the weight in g of the item suspended from the fixed point) ? Swing size (the length I release the pendulum) *The point of equilibrium is the point at which kinetic energy (KE) is the only force making the mass move and not gravitational potential energy (GPE). I will test the extremes of these factors as I can assume that if they have any effect on the period of oscillation it will become obvious. To make sure my results are accurate enough to allow for any anomalies I will repeat the experiment 2 times for each

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  • Word count: 2115
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Science
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