Evaluate the tools and techniques used to create finished animations
D2. Evaluate the tools and techniques used to create finished animations. 000 Words on Fireworks Features There are features that are available on fireworks that allow you to create animations you can set up frames so that you can put images in and then you can progress the animations through the frames that you setup. When creating an animation on fireworks it is frame by frame, so this means that you will have to alter every frame so that it actually moves because if you don't make every frame move slightly then it will jump and this will make the animation look out of sync and look bad. The thing about fireworks is that it takes a long while because you have to alter every frame. Fireworks are also good because it is primarily used for graphics so you can alter your images to make them look sharper and more in sync with the actual animation. When you have created your animation there is also an option on the frame speed (fps) which allows you to speed up or slow down your animation. You can also cut and crop your image this is a good thing because you are able to do all of the animation and all the graphical work in the fireworks program. Whereas if you created the animation in any other software package then you will have to do the graphics in a program and the animation in another by doing it in fireworks you can do them both at the same time. Advantages The
Assess ways in which information technology can enable visually impaired students to access their studies and employment.
Research Brief 9469 - I.T. (2000 words, May 2004) * Assess ways in which information technology can enable visually impaired students to access their studies and employment. Independence, integration and participation are three fundamental concepts for visually impaired citizens. Independence in the sense of self-sufficiency, thereby eradicating the requirement of everyday personal assistance and support functions, integration not only in the work place but also throughout all levels of education, and (active) participation pervading all facets of society. Are these concepts, or goals, wholly achievable however? There are many ways in which these aims can be fulfilled for visually impaired citizens, but perhaps one of the most powerful means is through the use of information technology. This is particularly relevant when it comes to visually impaired students and the ways in which they access their studies (in further and higher education) and their modes of employment. This work is concerned with such ideas - firstly an overview will be presented in terms of a visually impaired citizen - what it actually means to be visually impaired, what differing levels of sight such a person can have, and what difficulties such a person could encounter when studying in further or higher education. The focus then shifts to technology and what ways information technology (hardware and
Background and investigation for designing a database for a DVD rental shop.
Background and investigation Introduction JenJams is a family run convenience store which also supplies DVDs for rental, located off Wilstead high street. The shop is owned and run by Ashley Bradshaw who is accompanied by his wife Mrs Bradshaw and his son who are part of the shops staff. He set up the business 7 years ago and has stuck with the old system. Mr Bradshaw's wife and son work in the shop on a part time basis. It is a reasonably sized shop that provides entertainment to roughly 300 members who live in and around Wilstead. People who want to become members have to be 18 and over and during the membership process identification has to be shown. Ashley is my client but the users will consist of him and the other members of staff. Description of the Current System The shop is signed up to Choices UK which supply the DVDs'. The shop receives 4 new DVDs on a weekly basis. When the films arrive they are assigned a video number, catalogued and put out on display. The shop also sends back 25 films of their choice, usually on the fact that they aren't popular anymore; they then receive 25 DVDs in return. The shop is entitled to request a certain film from the 25. Ashley currently stores all membership forms in a pink folder. The amount of membership forms is unknown and Mr Bradshaw isn't shore whether all the people within these forms are still members. This means that
The company that I have been studying in this Task is ECsoft (European Community Soft).
R.1 Introduction R.1.1 Background of the company The company that I have been studying in this Task is ECsoft (European Community Soft). ECsoft is an independent IT consultancy and systems integrator that operates internationally. ECsoft is a PLC (public limited company), and they have shareholders. Therefore the owners of ECsoft are the shareholders. The managing director's name is Steve Leegood. ECsoft provides IT services and solutions for many of Europe's top 500 companies private and public sector organisations. ECsoft creates a project, when the company wants one, around an application for a company and implements solutions to improve the company's profitability. They basically do custom programming. Therefore the main aim, for the company is solving a problem to improve a company's profitability. The services that ECsoft provide are a range of business and technical skills in depth of the market area. The main markets are financial services, retail, media /publishing, public sector, telecommunications, travel and transportation and manufacturing. This is a general background of the company * ECsoft's principal operations are in the UK and Scandinavia. The company is based in Berkhamsted. * In July 1994 ECsoft started. * In December 1996 ECsoft floated on Nasdaq. * In June 1998 ECsoft floated at a valuation of £190.7m. ECsoft use IT for two main reasons,
Use of a database to record information on Mercedes-Benz S-Classes bought from a Mercedes-Benz showroom.
Analysis User Requirements I am going to use a database to record information on Mercedes-Benz S-Classes bought from a Mercedes-Benz showroom. The staff and manager in the showroom will use the database. They will get all the latest information on available cars. Data Needed I will need to know all the different model types of Mercedes-Benz S-Class, which will go on our first database. Details on the customers who purchase Mercedes-Benz S-Classes from us will be put in our second database. Customer details will be taken as Mercedes-Benz S-Classes are expensive cars and theft risks cannot be taken. There will be another table for sales details incase anyone chooses to buy more than one car. The fields that will be covered in my database are model, short wheel base price, long wheel price, max power, max torque, Acceleration, max speed, fuel consumption, colour, optional extra's, registration number, surname, first name, address, post code, telephone number, customer ID, account name, card number, sort code, valid from, expires in, monthly instalment. Where will I get my data? I will use the Mercedes-Benz British website, http://www.mercedes-benz.co.uk/ I will also use car magazines if the information needed is not on the Internet. Data processing required? I will use Microsoft Access for presenting my data and store data and Microsoft Word to write reports about data
In this document I will begin to explain why I have included the following features in my Exam Spreadsheet. The context is a system which you can order a window for your house or business.
In this document I will begin to explain why I have included the following features in my Exam Spreadsheet. The context is a system which you can order a window for your house or business. Spinners - I have used spinners in the sheet 'Find area' in cell D5, as it reduces what the user has to input. This reduces the likelihood of input errors. Its large and intuitive style made it easy for the user to alter data easily, meaning users don't get confused about what to input in. Also, as the spinner is linked with cell B5, the most ignorant users will not input letters into this field. Multiplication - I used the multiplication function in the sheet 'Find area' in cell E6. It will produce a more accurate calculation than a human would perform, and will automatically recalculate the area if the dimensions change. This saves time for the user as they don't have to repeatedly recalculate the dimensions. It makes it much easier to analyse different prices when you alter dimensions with spinners, whilst if you have to perform calculations your self, you wouldn't have a vague idea what your window will cost until you calculate it each time your self. Macro - I made four macros in the page 'Find area'. There function is to perform a recorded set of keystrokes and to repeat these when initiated by the end user. One purpose of using a Macro in my first sheet is to intuitively navigate
In the perspective of our country, Medical appointment/treatment (which is a part of the whole Medical system) is very much old-fashioned and backdated.
PROBLEM DEFINITION In the perspective of our country, Medical appointment/treatment (which is a part of the whole Medical system) is very much old-fashioned and backdated. It is a very long process as well as tiring experience for anyone to go to a doctor in our country. One has to go through a number of obstacles to reach the particular doctor he or she needs/requires. These types of lengthy systems are very much familiar in the government hospitals (obviously in our country). Although, the private hospitals these days are a little bit upgraded, they are not up to standard. Our proposal/goal is to develop a Medical appointment/treatment management system (which is a software) to improve this current hazardous situation. This software will improve the skill and performance of the people (working in a hospital), that will save a lot of time of patients and the institute itself. It will help to manage the works more efficiently and in an easier manner. The service will be much more high class comparing to the current situation due to usage of latest technology. SOFTWARE MODELS At first, we have chosen three software process models (for convenience) from which one of them will be chosen to implement the software. The models are: - ) The Linear Sequential or Waterfall Model 2) The Prototyping Model 3) The Incremental Model At a glance, we want to look at the advantages
Running Head: COMPUTER INDUSTRY REVER?E ?UPPLY CHAIN AND LOGI?TIC? COMPUTER INDUSTRY REVER?E ?UPPLY CHAIN AND LOGI?TIC? [Name of the writer] [Name of the in?titution] AB?TRACT In tod?y'? highly competitive bu?ine?? environment, the ?ucce?? of ?ny bu?ine?? depend? to ? l?rge extent on the efficiency of the ?upply ch?in. Competition h?? moved beyond firm-to-firm riv?lry to riv?lry between ?upply ch?in?. M?n?ger? in m?ny indu?trie? now re?lize th?t ?ction? t?ken by one member of the ?upply ch?in c?n influence the profit?bility of ?ll other? in the ?upply ch?in. Rever?e ?upply ch?in i? defined ?? the proce?? of pl?nning, implementing ?nd controlling the efficient, co?t effective flow of r?w m?teri?l?, in-proce?? inventory, fini?hed good? ?nd rel?ted inform?tion from the point of con?umption to the point of origin for the purpo?e of rec?pturing v?lue or proper di?po??l. The rever?e ?upply ch?in ?im? to recover u?ed product? from con?umer? for rep?ir, refurbi?hing, rem?nuf?cturing, recycling ?nd di?po??l. Rever?e logi?tic? i? ? new ?nd emerging ?re?, ?nd ?? ?uch, only ? limited ?mount of inform?tion h?? been publi?hed to d?te. Moreover mo?t of the inform?tion ?v?il?ble i? from ?meric?n ?ource? ?nd therefore thi? di??ert?tion ?l?o quote? ?ome U? ex?mple?. TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 PURPO?E OF THE ?TUDY 9 ?IGNIFICANCE OF THE ?TUDY 9 RE?EARCH OBJECTIVE?
I was hired by Mr Davies to create a website for a newly built nursery, Leapfrog based in Dagenham. The sectary will then change and update the website weekly, to inform parents about coming events or information needed.
Analysis Background I was hired by Mr Davies to create a website for a newly built nursery, Leapfrog based in Dagenham. The sectary will then change and update the website weekly, to inform parents about coming events or information needed. The nursery which was built in 2008 is now a well established nursery based in Dagenham, boxwell Road, near the noticeable Ford factory. The nursery was designed specially for children from the ages 3 to 4 year olds. It contains: A reception area, accessible by a ramp. A carpeted area divided into bays for books, construction activities, and role play another room for separate for girls and boys. A creative area contains sand and water activities, toys and painting kits, etc. The problem The only major problem is that due to increasing number of kids wanting to attend the nursery, there is little space to accept more children into the nursery. This nursery does not have a website at the moment because they there isn't enough time and the school doesn't have qualified technicians to manage and make a website, that's why they employed me to make a website so they could get wider audience. The website will allow parents to know about the nursery and be able to obtain any information they need. The website could also inform the audience of any vacancies. Possible solution I can suggest ways to help make the nursery more noticeable
Database - Magazine Subscribers
Database - Magazine Subscribers The Manager of a magazine business in Preston Mr. Daniel's (Gamers World) has asked me to produce a database to keep track of the subscribers and non subscribers this should make it a lot easier to keep track. This will also include information about the information on the subscriber\non subscriber like the address and full name. Before we came up with this idea he used to just Wright it down in a book this made it very or quad to keep track of who had subscribed and who hadn't . There are a number of possible methods of solving this problem. I could use Microsoft Excel, Works or even Access the are all very good database programs for keeping track of records. I could use Microsoft Excel but this doesn't have all the features that Works and Access have such as its own word document creator as in Microsoft works and is not as easy to use as works and access are to use when making a database. The only quick and simple solution would be to use a Database programme like Microsoft Works because this is the only one the school has and most of my work will be done there. The manager of Magazine bushiness Preston wants the following to appear the Database: * The database should include information about the subscribers non subscribers e.g. Name * Section that will show the subscribers and non subscriber. * A document to be send to