Dans l'uvre de Joffo '''UN SAC DE BILLES'' examinez le thme de l'enfance a l'age adulte et analysez jusqu'a quel point les preuves subites par Jo, lors de l'occupation l'ont change ?

Dans l'œuvre de Joffo '''UN SAC DE BILLES'' examinez le thème de l'enfance a l'age adulte et analysez jusqu'a quel point les épreuves subites par Jo, lors de l'occupation l'ont change ? ''Ce livre qui est celui de la peur, de l'angoisse, et de la souffrance aurait pu être aussi le livre de la haine, mais il est en fin de compte, un cri d'espoir et d'amour.'' - Bernard Clavel. Un sac de billes est bien connu dans le monde entier, il est un des plus grands succès de libraire de ces dix dernières années. C'est vrai qu'il y a énormément des thèmes et d'émotions dans ce livre. Même si chaque thème est relié avec la façon qu'on comprend tous les sentiments de Joseph et Maurice dans cette période de leurs vies, il est clair qu'il y a un thème qui est un des plus importants, ça c'est celui de la transition de l'enfance à l'age adulte. On peut constater que les deux enfants au début du livre sont extrêmement différents de ceux à la fin, mais comment peut-ils change dans un période si courts ? Cela peut s'expliquer par plusieurs facteurs, j'essaierai de dégager quelques points forts pour le développement de Jo en l'échéance dans cette rédaction. Joseph Joffo a écrit l'histoire de deux petits enfants qui ont connu de première main les effets de la guerre sur leurs vies. Le livre commence par Jo qui décrit 1''la bille qui roule entre ses doigts au fond

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  • Word count: 1384
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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Hardware and Network issues in e-commerce

Hardware and Network issues in e-commerce Introduction This review will discuss the issues and outline some future developments related to the three most prominent forms of network technology, broadband, m-commerce and wireless broadband. What is broadband? A good definition of broadband is: "Broadband refers to any communication technology that permits clients to play streaming video and audio files at acceptable speeds - generally anything above 100 Kbps" (Laudon and Traver, 2002). Typically, broadband is characterised by very high upload and download speeds and most interestingly it is an 'always-on' technology as opposed to narrowband where the user has to 'dial-up' to the server every time they begin a new session on the internet, whereas with broadband the user simply has to click on the internet icon on their desktop and they are instantly linked to home page of their choice. Types of broadband There are many types of broadband access available to the internet user. The most commonly used type of broadband connections made by the general consumer is via cable modem and DSL connections. Cable Modem is usually used by consumers who cannot get DSL connections in their area or who live in a cabled area and is characterised as a shared network service. Internet connection is 'piggybacked' on the television signal received by consumers who have cable television. It

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 4519
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: ICT
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Critically Evaluate the Functionalist Perspective on Education

Critically Evaluate the Functionalist Perspective on Education For the Functionalists, education performs a positive function for all individuals in society and has a powerful influence over it. The education system serves the needs of an industrial society by providing a more advanced division of labour; socialising new generations into societies shared norms and values and, according to meritocratic criteria, allocates roles in. Education supposedly meets societies through three related economic roles; socialisation; allocation and vocational training. Firstly, Durkheim and Parsons (1956-9) stated that the education system involves the transmission of socially agreed norms and values, known as the 'Value Consensus', to future generations. This was done through both the 'formal' curriculum and the 'hidden' curriculum, and its economic role is referred to as socialisation or social control. The formal curriculum is more commonly known as the National Curriculum and so is thus the timetabled lessons the state lays out for students to undertake. However, the hidden curriculum teaches such moral lessons as the reward and punishment system, by which students must conform to and obey more authoritative persons (teachers), and installs a sense of work ethic, like punctuality and co-operation. Functionalist theorists believe that this internalisation of norms and values results

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  • Word count: 2155
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Sociology
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Design two experiments, one using titration and one using gas collection to show that H2SO4 is a dibasic acid.

Chemistry Practical Write-Up Aim: Design two experiments, one using titration and one using gas collection to show that H2SO4 is a dibasic acid. Gas Collection Experiment Prediction: If H2SO4 is dibasic it should give off a volume of hydrogen molecules, equal to the volume of H2SO4 used, below I have calculated how much gas to expect: H2SO4 + Mg › MgSO4 + H2 H2SO4 Concentration: 1 Mol/dm3 Volume: 0.025dm3 Moles: 1x0.025 = 0.025 H2 Moles: 0.025 0.025 * 24 Volume: 0.6dm3 Apparatus: Conical Flask, Magnesium, H2SO4, Bung, delivery tube, bowl of water, measuring cylinder. Diagram: Method: * Setup Apparatus as shown in the diagram. * Fill a conical flash with 25cm3 H2SO4. * Fill the measuring cylinder with water, making sure there are no bubbles, and turn it upside down in the water bath. * Drop the magnesium into the conical flask, and place the quickly place the bung on top. * The hydrogen gas will begin to displace the water in the measuring cylinder, wait until this stops, and record the results in a table like shown below, repeat until you have 3 results and calculate the average amount of gas evolved. Gas(dm3) - 1 Gas(dm3) - 2 Gas(dm³) - 3 Gas Average(dm³) To keep the results accurate we will keep all equipment and solutions used the same every time, we will do this experiment 3 times and take the average of the readings, and use this to see if

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  • Word count: 1064
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Effect of nitrate concentration on the growth of Duckweeds

Introduction & Method At the beginning of the experiment, I put on a lab coat to protect myself from any danger that may occur. I made sure that all my equipments were clean and dry before I started, and I also measured the temperature of the room to confirm it was around room temperature. I then made sure that the ice cube tray was clean, I put a little label on one end of the tray to indicate my starting point row of the ice cube tray. I then made a little note to myself that the label indicated the row which will contain the 0.0% x 10-3 concentration of nitrate in the solution, and the rows onwards will contain the concentration of nitrogen in solution in ascending orders which I will use (0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6 and 2.4 % x 10-3). I Whilst pouring the solutions into a glass beaker I put on goggles and gloves to protect my eyes and hands from any contacts with the ammonium nitrate solution, as any contact can lead to irritation of the skin and eye. I poured 80-90cm3 of the 1st concentration which contained 0.0% x 10-3 of nitrate into a 100cm3 glass beaker. Next I used a clean syringe to measure out 25cm3 of the solution into the 1st well (near my label). The tray had 3 wells in a row and there were 6 rows, I repeatedly added 25 cm3 of the same ammonium nitrate solution into the remaining two wells of that row, so that I will obtain a result of three replicates with each

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  • Word count: 7131
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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Discuss the Impact of Genome Sequences on the Study of Development

Cells and Development Discuss the Impact of Genome Sequences on the Study of Development Development refers to the biological process an organism undergoes during growth. The introduction of genetics this century has greatly accelerated our understanding in this field. It appears to be exponential, continually more scientists are being drawn into the field and more data is being generated. In this essay I will briefly outline the course of development as a subject over the past 100 years (with a slight bias towards animal development) commenting on how important the use of model organisms has become and the contribution to the field their genomes have made. Development started with Aristotle in the 4th century BC. He noted the different ways in which animals were born, oviparity, viviparity etc, and began to look at the transition from conception to adulthood. Not much happened in the study for about 2000 years, until a man named William Harves in 1651 made the profound statement that all animals are from eggs, "ex ovo omnia". The subject never really took off because the specimens were too small to analyse. The invention of the microscope revolutionised the science and allowed study of these once unseen structures. This coupled with the Morgan's' use of Mendel's' genetic theory to create the chromosomal theory of inheritance allowed scientists to begin to make

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  • Word count: 1908
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Science
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TO WHAT EXTENT CAN 'A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE' BE CALLED A TRAGEDY? 'A Streetcar Named Desire' was written by Tennessee Williams in 1947, eliciting the most critical commentary of any of his works, as well as being highly divisive: upon its release, one reviewer defined it as the product of an "almost desperately morbid turn of mind"1; George Jean Nathan criticised the "unpleasant"2 nature of the play, calling it "'The Glands Menagerie'"3. Williams' focus on realism, and the subsequent omission of clear-cut protagonists and antagonists in 'Streetcar', also drew glowing reviews, from the pre-eminent theatre critic Brook Atkinson, for example, who called Williams "a genuinely poetic playwright whose knowledge of people is honest and thorough"4. This difference in opinion does not stop at subjective criticism of the play, but even the specific genre which 'Streetcar' falls into. Many assume it to be a tragedy of some type, and there is indeed much to commend this view. However, the ambiguous nature of many aspects of the play and Williams' inclusion of alternate dramatic devices has led many to believe that 'Streetcar' should not be classified as a tragedy, but as a melodrama. In any tragedy, the tragic protagonist is of vital importance: everything is centred on the protagonist, their flaw and subsequent downfall. However, in 'Streetcar', there is large uncertainty as to who

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  • Word count: 2052
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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The aim of this essay is to discuss the relevance of John Keynes to the current macroeconomic situation in the UK.

The aim of this essay is to discuss the relevance of John Keynes to the current macroeconomic situation in the UK. Macroeconomics can be defined as "the study of whole economic systems aggregating over functioning of individual economic units" (Bannock G, 2003: 236). It considers aspects of the economy from a government perspective such as the general price levels in an economy instead of a price level in a single market. John Keynes and economists who share a similar view to his on macroeconomics strongly believe that an economy will frequently settle below full employment. In such a situation aggregate supply will most likely be price elastic and increases in aggregate demand will mainly affect output. Keynes theory suggests government intervention through demand side policies in order to boost aggregate demand and reduce unemployment. However, Keynes theory is opposed by classical economists who believe that an economy will be at full employment and as a result demand side policies implemented by the government with the intent to boost demand will likely lead to an increase in prices and cause inflation. On the contrary to Keynes's recommendation classical economist insist government should implement supply side policies aimed at shifting aggregate supply to the right (Gillespie. A, 2007: 307). The government of any economy will set policies in order to achieve set

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  • Word count: 1788
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Economics
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Consider the view that the arguments for having an electoral college to elect the President are no longer valid

Consider the view that the arguments for having an electoral college to elect the President are no longer valid The United States' constitution was created in 1787 and, whilst creating the document, the Founding Fathers' opted on a method to indirectly elect the President. The "electoral college" system was born. The Founding Fathers believed that the electorate may, in the future, be easily taken in by the showmanship of extremists and so determined that the popular votes cast would only "influence" electors and not directly elect the President. Each state would have as many electors as they have congressmen (so 2 for each Senator and then so many for however many Representatives) who would cast their ballots in early January (after the national election in November) for a candidate, having been "influenced" by the results of the election day polls. In effect, this system both undermines the integrity of the voters and is undemocratic, effectively allowing the power to fall to a small number of people. Unsurprisingly, especially in the wake of the 2000 election, there have been calls for reform with many citing the Electoral College as a "no longer valid" method of electing the leader of the country. As I have already mentioned, the original reason for introducing the Electoral College system was to prevent against dictatorship and extremism. In theory, this sounds great

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  • Word count: 1797
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Politics
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Eine pazifistische Politik ist in der modernen Welt nicht realistisch Stimmen Sie dem zu?

Der private Autoverkehr sollte eingeschrankt werden Die Frage, ob der private Autoverkehr eingeschrankt werden sollte, ist wichtig. Im Laufe des letzten Jahrhunderts ist die Popularitat des Autos starkangestiegen. Obwohl das Auto dem Reichtum dieses Landes hinzufugen hatte, mussen wir Heute mit den schlechten Wirkungen und den Nachteilen des Autos fertig werden. Das Hauptproblem, dass die Kraftwagen verursachen haben, ist die Umweltverschmutzung. Jeden tag steht etwas in der Zeitung daruber. In Oxford zum Beispiel, wo die Verkehrsdichte sehr hoch ist, ist die Luftqualitat sehr schlecht- eigentlich hat die Luftverschmutzung Gesundheitsprobleme verursacht. Die Asthmaraten sind am hochsten in Gebieten wo es viel Verkehr gibt. Ich bin vollig uberzeugt, dass der Gebrauch von alternativen Treibstoffen und Fahrzeugen mit geringen Emissionen unterstutzt und ermutigt werden sollte. Emissionsarmer Autos konnte helfen, die Gesundheitsproblemen zu vermindern. Ich bin der Meinung, dass wir eine moralische Verpflichtung havebn, nicht nur uber die Auswirkung auf unsere Umwelt nachzudenken, sondern auch uber die Folgen der Verschmutzung fur die Dritte Welt. Was wir in diesem Land machen, tragt den Problemen der Entwicklungslandern bei. Der Treibhauseffekt ist eine klares Beispiel; es gibt eine unmittlebare Verbindung zwischen Naturkatastrophen, wie Durren und Uberschwemmungen und den

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 593
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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