1984 - What does Orwell do in the opening two pages of the novel to unsettle the reader?

What does Orwell do in the opening two pages of the novel to unsettle the reader? In the novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', the author, George Orwell employs a range of different techniques such as similes, metaphors and symbolism to unnerve and keep the reader in anticipation, impelling them to read on. The novel is in a third-person narrative style, this technique employed by Orwell creates a distance between the central character, Winston Smith and the reader. This vagueness adds tension and mystery to Orwell's depiction, only allowing the characters emotion to be revealed through dialogue. The narrative viewpoint also allows the reader to grasp an unbiased view of the character and his circumstances. Throughout these first couple of pages Orwell purposefully refuses to expand on things which confuse the reader. For instance, "The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats", and simply doesn't give an explanation why. This deliberate omission is employed to purely keep the reader on edge and impel him/her to read on. Another example of this is towards the end of the second page, "The Patrols did not matter, however. Only the Thought Police mattered". This line immediately grabs attention and creates suspense, but Orwell leaves it here. The reader is now left feeling insecure and leaves us questioning ourselves through mere confusion of what may be happening in this

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  • Word count: 676
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Healthy Living German Coursework

Healthy Living - German Coursework Vor allem, nicht rauchen. Zigarettenrauch ist eine giftige Cocktail aus 70 krebserregende Chemikalien und hunderte von anderen Giften. Rauchen ist die häufigste Ursache von Krebs weltweit. Im Vereinigten Königreich, in Kombination Rauchen allein für ein Viertel der Todesfälle durch Krebs und sterben fünf Mal mehr Menschen als Verkehrsunfälle, Überdosierungen, Mord, Selbstmord und AIDS. Essen Sie ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit jeden Tag. Das kann zwei, drei oder mehrere Male, aber eine Routine fordert eine angemessene Gewicht. Schauen Sie sich Ihre Anteile. Don't Heap-Essen auf dem Teller (außer Gemüse) und zweimal überlegen, bevor er ein zweites Service. Versuchen Sie, fünf Portionen Obst und Gemüse pro Tag. Ein Teil wird über 80 g Obst und Gemüse. Dies ist in etwa gleich ein Apfel, Orange, Banane oder ähnlicher Größe Obst oder zwei Vorlegelöffel von gekochtem Gemüse wie Brokkoli oder Karotten. Lebensmittel verzehren, weniger Fett. Wählen Sie "fettreduziert Versionen von Lebensmitteln wie Milchprodukten, Aufstriche und Salatsaucen. Trim Fett aus Fleisch. Essen Lebensmittel niedriger Salz. Zu viel Salz kann Ihren Blutdruck und das Risiko von Herzerkrankungen und Schlaganfall erhöhen. Essen gesündere Snacks. Wenn Sie Hunger zwischen den Mahlzeiten haben, wählen Sie eine gesündere Option wie Obst oder

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 573
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Modern Foreign Languages
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Creative Writing - Gratuitous Vengeance

Gratuitous Vengeance "Son, hurry up, you're going to be late for school." "Yeh whatever dad, it's nothing new." "But it's your first day!" Yes - it was my first day at school and no - I wasn't nervous, I wasn't scared, and I wasn't worried, I was ready. What's the big deal anyway? Constantly, consistently moving house and schools, you kind of adapt to it, like an animal adapting to its conditions, you know? Here we were. Shattering, scratched, small windows; crumbling, decaying, aged bricks; inexpensive, inert sheds and lots of helpless, dim morons to use for my liking. Dominating this school will be as easy as A.B.C. It wasn't exactly the best looking school but no matter, I'd be gone within a week... Okay, by my second glance, this school had some pretty mischievous competition. My main worry was Derrick Hopkins; Derrick is the guy to go to when you want to know something or need permission for something else. He controls everything in this school. I guess that'll have to change... I went up to him. "Derrick, I'm Bradley Crewe, new here, I heard about a party going on this weekend, I was wondering if I can come along? We can get acquainted." "It's not that easy kid. So no, you can't just 'come along'. Get out of here you weasel faced low life." "Weasel faced? Low life? Who do you think you are?" "I'm Derrick, but nobody cares who you are." He walked up to me and

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  • Word count: 1576
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Law of Evidence - R v Kearley

Law of Evidence - Assessed Work (No.2) by Simon Wolman R v Kearley Essentially this piece concerns whether the House of Lords correctly decided the case of R v Kearley1. The majority decided allowing the appeal, that the evidence concerned in this case was either irrelevant, and therefore inadmissible (unless part of the res gestae) or was inadmissible as hearsay in the form of an implied assertion. The facts of Kearley will be discussed, followed by an analysis of the decision by their Lordships, finally considering the issues of relevance and implied assertions in relation to the decision in Kearley. The facts of Kearley are well known. The disputed evidence was that the police officers whilst on the raid answered a number of callers to the flats, both by telephone and by visitors. The police officers testified that the callers were seeking to buy drugs in place of the original callers who were unwilling or unable to attend court. The appellant objected to the evidence on the ground that it was hearsay, but this was overruled. The Court of Appeal dismissed his appeal and certified a question to the House of Lords. Condensing the certified question, it was whether a person not called as a witness, for the purpose of not establishing the truth of any fact narrated by the words, but of inviting the jury to draw an inference from the fact that the words were spoken ? 2 On

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  • Word count: 2706
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Law
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In Multicultural Britain, people from different cultures should not try to live separate lives

'In Multicultural Britain, people from different cultures should not try to live separate lives.' Many people from all over the world have been coming to Britain for over 2,000 years. This long history of immigration has made Britain a very diverse and culturally rich country. Examples of this are evident in fashion, food and language. About 8% of the British population is made up of different ethnic groups; this is approximately 4.6 million people. This essay will be addressing whether people from different cultures should try to live separately or not. People from different cultures should not try to live separate lives as this could lead to racial segregation, misunderstanding and conflict among societies. Those who live in 'parallel communities' are only in contact with their own culture and 'kind' and so live separate lives to others in the surrounding areas. This separation can cause misunderstanding to breed which could lead to hatred and unnecessary conflict. These types of conflict have been emerging from parts of Britain between Asian and White groups, who live in 'parallel communities' and therefore have never had the chance to meet. The benefits of having more people of different ethnicity in one community would mean that it would be a more accurate representation of modern Britain. It enriches people's understanding of cultures and the world, therefore leading

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  • Word count: 429
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Identifying an Ionic Compound. Objectives: To learn and test for metal ions and non-metal ions and then apply them to discover the identity of an unknown ionically bonded substance

Identifying an Ionic Compound- Introduction Ionic compounds are defined as being compounds where two or more ions (an atom or group of atoms with an overall electrical charge) are held next to each other by electrical attraction. One of the ions has a positive charge - called a "cation", and the other has a negative charge - called "anion". Cations are usually metal atoms and anions are either nonmetal or polyatomic ions (ions with more than one atom). Usually, when we have ionic compounds, they form large crystals that you can see with the naked eye. Table salt is one of this- if you look at a crystal of salt, you can see that it has in irregular cube shape. This is because salt likes to stack in little cube-shaped blocks. When forming salt, Na readily loses an electron and Cl readily gains an electrons so both can become stable. Heat is added in the reaction so Na burns brightly in CL gas and a white solid forms on the sides of the container. This solid is salt, or sodium chloride. When the chlorine atom gained an electron, the atoms arrange themselves in a lattice. The force of attraction between a cation and anion is a very strong bond called an "ionic bond". This is an electrostatic attraction. An ionic bond happens between a metal and a nonmetal. Properties of salts: 0. All ionic compounds form crystals. 0. Ionic compounds tend to have high melting and boiling

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  • Word count: 3128
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Science
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The psychoanalytic approach to psychology is based on the system of psychoanalysis, developed by Sigmund Freud (1859 - 1939). Freud was interested in studies of the unconscious mind and mental illness

Zoë Wood Psychology Freud's psychoanalytic approach to psychology Tutor: N. Warmsley 9th October 2005 Freud's Psychoanalytic Approach to Psychology The psychoanalytic approach to psychology is based on the system of psychoanalysis, developed by Sigmund Freud (1859 - 1939). Freud was interested in studies of the unconscious mind and mental illness. He preformed studies to look into human personality, psychosexual development and conducted method of treatments to determine the causes of neurotic mental illness. Freud thought that mental illness was caused by early childhood trauma of which treatment for such illness could only be successful when these childhood memories were dealt with and overcome. He developed his own technique to try and remember and overcome the events from their past that had disturbed their development. He made his patients describe anything that came into their mind no matter how silly they thought it may be. This technique helped Freud determine the cause of the mental illness and encouraged the patient to resurface repressed memories. Freud thought this would help them come to terms with the events helping overcome the illness, which was said to be 'removing the neurosis'. According to Freud, everything we do, why we do things, who we are and how we became like this are all related to our sexual drive. Childhood sexual experiences will

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  • Word count: 1024
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Psychology
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The Gender Transformation of Caesar

The Gender Transformation of Caesar Shakespeare's Julius Caesar opens with the concurrent celebrations of Caesar's defeat of Pompey and the annual fertility festival of Lupercal. The coupling of the two historically separate events each celebrating distinct gender roles dramatically highlights the importance of gender characterization. Rome's patriarchal society demands a leader who embodies the virile spirit of the state with leadership marked by strength, courage, and constancy. Caesar quite fittingly assumes this role as he returns valiant and victorious from the battlefields; thus, in order to remove him the strong ruler of Rome, Caesar's enemies must retrench his masculinity. Roman society considers women as the embodiment of weaknesses, thinking that their physical, mental, and political inferiority make them of little use beyond reproductive purposes, explaining why aspirants to the throne feminize the identity of the masculine warrior figure to position him as unfit for the crown. The portrayal of the two female characters of the novel, Portia and Calphurnia, captures the prevailing stereotypical perceptions of women. Caesar's wife, Calphurnia, demonstrates women's predisposition towards fearfulness and superstition when she pleads with Caesar to remain at home after dreaming that a statue made in the likeness was Cesar pouring forth blood. Calphurnia establishes

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  • Word count: 1750
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Discuss issues with biological therapies

Discuss issues with biological therapies Biological therapies arise from the medical model of abnormal behaviour: mental disorder is an illness which results mainly from a chemical imbalance. Biological treatments are designed to redress this imbalance, through the administration of chemical drugs known as chemotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, and, in rare cases, psychosurgery. As well as mental disorders, the biological approach also gives an explanation and treatment for stress and the role of stress management. This approach also shows the link between stress and the immune system. Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are also explained by the medical model. Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to treat mental disorders. For example anti-anxiety drugs consist of a class of drugs called benzodiazepines and minor tranquilliser designed to reduce levels of anxiety. These include Librium and Valium which were introduced in 1950s, and soon became the most prescribed drug in the world. However, the side-effects include drowsiness, dependence, withdrawal and toxicity However, benzodiazepines have been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and panic. Gelernter and found them to be more effective than a placebo for social phobia and Lecrubier found that 60% of patients with panic disorder remained free of panic while on medication. Antidepressant drugs are

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  • Word count: 1384
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Psychology
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Artificial Cardiac Pacemakers

Research questions : Why is the constant beating of the heart important? What causes the heart to beat abnormally? What are the implications of having an abnormal heart beat? What is an artificial pacemaker and how does it regulate an abnormal heart beat? How are artificial pacemakers implanted? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an artificial pacemaker? What are some alternatives used instead of artificial pacemakers? The importance of the heart The heart is an essential organ possessed by every living human. It is vital as it pumps blood rich in oxygen (received from the lungs) to every living cell within the body and pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs (from the body)1. In the opposite diagram of a human heart, the blue sections represent the transport of deoxygenated blood and the red sections represent the transport of oxygenated blood. The heart is necessary in sustaining the lives of every single human being. This is because without oxygen, cells cannot carry out the process of cellular respiration (the release of energy from glucose). This means that the body cells will have insufficient energy to carry out regular functions needed for sustaining life. Every single cell in the human body is affected by the beating of the heart, as enough oxygen has to be supplied for them to function properly. Without the constant beating of the heart,

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 3972
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: Science
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