Mein Urlaub im Frankreich

Emma Keerie 0MG Mein Urlaub im Frankreich! Letzes Jahr in den Sommerferien bin ich mit meine Famillie nach Frankreich gefahren. wir haben zwei Wochen in einem Villa im Normandie gewohnt. Wir sind am 13. Juli abgefahren mit dem Flugzeug geflogen. Die Reise war ziemlich lang und langweilig. Sie hat acht Stunden gedauert. Die villa hat ein Schwimmbad gegeben aber das wasser war immer kalt. Unsere Nachbarn waren sehr nett und freundlich. Die Villa hat vier zimmer. Meine Zimmer hat eine Duschen. Die Duschen waren sehr sauber aber das wasser war nur lauwarm. Am erstern Tag haben haben wir einem stadt. Das wetter war sonnig und warm. Ich habe Andenken für meine Freunde Giverny heißt, und einen Poster für mich gekauft. Das war Super! Am heute nachmittag haben wir am altes Schloss. Es war sehr interessant, und faszinierend. Mein bruder hat das Burgverlies toll gefunden, aber meine Schwester hat sie nicht so gut gefallen! Ich habe Andenken (eine Postkarte) für meine Freunde Camilla heißt. Es war $0.50. Am abend die postkarte ich entsendete. Am Mittwoch wir besucht Disney Land Paris. Das hat mir gut am besten gefallen, weil es spannend war. Das ist ein großer vergnügungspark in der Nähe von Köln. Ich bin dort Achterbahn gehfahren. Es war wirklich spannend, aber meine Schwester war ein bisschen schlecht! Der Ausflug war augsgezeichnet! Am mittag ich habe die Bratwurst

  • Word count: 343
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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How does Armitage expose the inadequacies in the characters of his poems?

How does Armitage expose the inadequacies in the characters of his poems? For this question I am going to focus on the poems 'About his Person' and 'Poem' In poem the man that it is about has the tendency to be an opportunist thief 'and twice he lifted ten quid from her purse'. This shows how he does not have much of a conscience. This is re-affirmed by the fact that he did it twice and did not regret the evil deed. The man also has a short temper. For example he lost his cool with his wife and punched her in the face just because she laughed once. This poem also shows us that he is also inadequate in that he has a violent side to him. Armitage re-emphasizes this in the last line of the first stanza with the word 'slippered'. The plosives in this word make it sound hard and violent. Just like the character in the poem. The man also suffers from alcohol abuse 'and every week he tipped up half his wage' this means that every week he wasted away half his wage on alcohol, instead of spending it on things to sustain his family. As well as inadequacies the man is also a good man in that he cares about his mother and occasionally praises his wife and he tucks his daughter in at night. The character in 'About his person' has similar inadequacies to the man in the first poem. He also has a short temper, this shown by the way he has 'slashed' his diary, possibly in fury. He also

  • Word count: 342
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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Explain what the views of a Christian pacifist might be regarding war.

Daniel King 10 Bede GCSE Religious Studies Section 2a Question 1a: Explain what the views of a Christian pacifist might be regarding war. Pacifism: "The doctrine that the abolition of war is both desirable and possible" (Oxford Dictionary) A minority of Christians believe that we can only establish peace by a definite refusal to engage in war. They use all the energies to understand the causes and thus help to prevent it. They seek to bring conflicting sides together by throwing fresh light upon areas of disagreement. Nonetheless, many pacifists consider that it is necessary to have a international armed force (NATO) rather like a police force, to restrain nations from making war with each other, until the time comes when the issues can be settled via rational & peaceful means. Christian pacifists point out that Jesus condemned violence as a way of overcoming evil. They argue that if you use evil means (i.e. all the horror, suffering and death that making war involves) you will yourselves become contaminated by the evil you have released, even though you are thinking your serving the Nobel end. Jesus himself did not use violence. He overcame his 'enemies' personal hostility ands hate by refusing to become of it, even though his way of love led to his own death. His disciples must follow his example, on every level from a personal to the international. Only when they do so

  • Word count: 332
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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Whether the voltage affects the amount of gas produced during the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution.

ELECTROLYSIS COURSEWORK LIAM WILLIAMS 11Hr An investigation into whether the voltage affects the amount of gas produced during the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution. Prediction At the positive electrode: Na+ and H+ will be attracted. In theis case hydrogen gas will be given off because it is the least reactive of the two. 2H+ + 2e H2 At the negative electrode: Cl- and OH- will be attracted. In this case, Cl2 will be given off because it is a halide i.e. a group 7 element. 2Cl- - 2e Cl2 I predict that the higher the voltage, the greater the current will be. So when the voltage is increased at the cathode - the current will be higher, this will mean there are more electrons so more gas will be given off. This is because the flow of electrons and the gas given off are proportional. PRELIMINARY WORK We conducted preliminary work, to establish a number of things regarding our experiment. From the preliminary work we had ascertain a suitable range of voltages to take readings at and a suitable length of time to collect gas for. We conducted the experiment, as it can be seen in the method, and we trialled at a number of different voltages. When we found a suitable range of voltages we decided to use for the experiment. The Preliminary work simply involved conducting practise experiments using different voltages

  • Word count: 304
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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In 'Of the Great White War' (Thomas Burke) and 'Base Details' (Siegfried Sassoon), what views do the poets express about the w

In 'Of the Great White War' (Thomas Burke) and 'Base Details' (Siegfried Sassoon), what views do the poets express about the way old men treat young men in wartime? How do the poets' words help you to share these views? In 'Base Details' ('BD') by Siegfried Sassoon(1886- 1967), the young soldier speaking assumes the position of a scarlet Major, mocking their attitudes to war and their ignorance of the young lives wasted. In 'Of the Great White War' ('GWW') by Thomas Burke (1887- 1945) the speaker observes the role reversal between the old, who become young, and the young, who become old. This happens because the young have gone to war whilst the old are enjoying their second youth. In 'BD' Siegfried Sassoon was a soldier who fought in the war so would have a negative but real perspective of the war. Both are anti- war poems, undermining the propaganda that was used to persuade young men to recruit. 'GWW' is free verse whereas 'BD' is in regular verse. It is an iambic pentameter because it has ten lines and ten beats in each line. it is about white men being civilised. It is pure throughout the poem. The poem tells both sides of the young and old. The observer is detached and reflective as well as distant. It is propaganda because it is trying to say it is a young man's duty to fight in battle. The scarlet Majors are presented as ignorant and unfeeling towards

  • Word count: 303
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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Belfast Confetti - Ciaran Carson

Belfast Confetti - Ciaran Carson By Joshua Smith The author doesn't mention whether he thinks the bombing right or wrong, which is refreshing in a time when everyone has an opinion about the freedom of Ireland from England. The title is confusing, making the reader think that this is going to be about celebrations, and it turns out to be about a bomb. The use of punctuation words means there is a running theme through out the poem "raining exclamation asterisk on the map....hyphenated line....punctuated". A meaning that could be taken from this is that sentences are one of a few things that differ us from animals. The fact that he was "trying to complete a sentence in his head" speaks volumes about his state of mind at the time. It is odd that he has used (?) in the poem as a good poem shouldn't need to have unanswered questions at the end. The (?) are used for effect and also mean that he doesn't have to formulate an opinion about what's happening, an opinion that could upset those around him. The (?) also allow the reader to make up their own opinion. By saying "Saracen, Kremlin-2 mesh. Makrolon face-shields. Walkie-talkies", he gives the reader an inhuman picture of the army by depicting it as a collection of military equipment, intimidating in its coldness. The actual sound of the line too with the predominant consonant "k" and heavily fragmented lines

  • Word count: 294
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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Issues Report on LPG Vs NOS

Vs For my Issues Report on LPG Vs NOS, I will be discussing some of the advantages, disadvantages of using NOS in comparison to the use of LPG. Areas which I will cover will include cost of fuel, power and economy. Nitrous oxide, N2O, is a colourless, almost odourless gas that was first discovered in 1793 by the English scientist and clergyman Joseph Priestley. Priestley made N2O by heating ammonium nitrate in the presence of iron filings, and then passing the gas that came off through water to remove N2O. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) was used as a performance enhancement back in World War II, where it was used to give Allied aircraft "emergency" boosts in airspeed and altitude. There were repeated attempts at using nitrous oxide in race cars over the next few decades, still not too many people were aware of its existence. Then, in the 1970s Mike Thermos and Dale Vaznaian made Nitrous Oxide into a whole range of race performance enhancing products NOS or nitrous oxide systems. Nitrous oxide is well known as laughing gas due to its intoxicated affect when inhaled. Emissions from nitrogen oxides (NOS) can be blamed for acid deposition, ozone depletion and air pollution in urban areas In relation to LPG, NOS is much more expensive pending size of tank and how much intake is going on. Nitrous oxide systems can be purchased from any good car performance outlet. The power that

  • Word count: 279
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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Fear of the Truth

Fear Of The Truth I can't trust my thoughts I can't trust my mind I'm alone in my head My thoughts are my own Then they're not Confusion Swirling thoughts Voices Voices screaming my name Voices Closing in on me I'm in the dark My mind is my refuge But it is also my prison I'm trapped in my insanity Is this how my mother felt? Forever confused Thoughts forever twirling out of your control Darkness pressing in You fight it Until you let your thoughts carry you Until you end up in a hospital My thoughts are so confusing I can't give in I wont let my mind control me I can't give in The one thing I fear Fear more than anything in this world The thing which my knowledge Can't protect me The thought that haunts my every dream And turns it into a nightmare The truth that I try to fight The truth That sends me into a panic The truth that controls my life The truth I must learn to accept I bury the truth at the back of my mind I try to forget I try to live a normal life I know things I shouldn't know I see things that cant be seen But I try to live a normal life I try to lock the truth away But the truth is always there Controlling my future It scares me to think it But I know its true I can't fight it anymore I am becoming my

  • Word count: 266
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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Dear Peter, (Letter to a soldier on the Home front in the first few months of the war)

GCSE COURSEWORK - EMPATHY THE HOME FRONT 7th December 1914 Dear Peter, How have you been? This War has everyone really going. The War will be over in a matter of months and our lives will back to normal. However, I am quite annoyed, just like most of my neighbours and colleagues, about the DORA. It has restricted the way we live. For example, we can no longer feed the dog. The news these days is just totally intolerable. Most of the news has to be censored, so how is one supposed to find out what is going on around the country. Those Germans are hated by every single Briton in this country. You should see some of the things they do. There are posters of Germans killing innocent babies and children for fun and raping women. It is just so inhuman. Recently, they have started sending in huge airships and bombing many of the large cities, including London. This has just got to end some time soon! My son, George, has also joined the army. My family and I are so proud of him. I feel that he will make a big difference to the war, just like the many other men that have joined. This whole war will blow over in the next few months. I don't think those Germans will last long at all. Take care of yourself. Yours sincerely,

  • Word count: 235
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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Letze Jahr im August, ich war in Zypern geflogen weil ich bin griechisch, es war glnzend!!! Ich bin mit meiner familie dorthin gefahren, wir sind zwei wochen gebliebn, mit dem zug. Ich bereisen Limmasol, Phaphos and Larnica

Letze Jahr im August, ich war in Zypern geflogen weil ich bin griechisch, es war glänzend!!! Ich bin mit meiner familie dorthin gefahren, wir sind zwei wochen gebliebn, mit dem zug. Ich bereisen Limmasol, Phaphos and Larnica und ich besuchen meine familie. Ich meine oma gebleien, in deiner fein fünf stern hotel gewohnt! Aber das hotel war tuer! und die aufzug war kaputt! wir hast halbpension. Ich haben am zweiten tag ins swimmbad, dann eine rundfahrt gemacht. Wir freunde getroffen, tennis gespielt, gesonnt, ins restaurant, sind zum starnd gegangen und ausgegangen. Also, wir haben urlaub geangelt. Ich gehe in die berge gefahren, es ist immer schneit und kalt! Das wetter war immer sonnig und heißt!!!! Zypern ist eine trocken und hast keine wind!! In deiner winter es ist kalt, wolkig, windig und manchmal stürmisch!! Es war wunderbar. Ich wecken sieben uhr! Frühstück war jeden tag acht uhr, und abessen war neun-elf urh jeden nacht. Jeden nacht ich gehe in meiner bett zwei uhr in diener morgen! Ich war sehr müde!!! Im meiner zimmer, ich hast deiner fernsehen, bad, dushe, toilette, backofen und dein mikrowelle. Ich hast ein doppelbett. Deine Hotel war sehr sauber und ruhig. Deinstmädchen halb sieben gekommen. Es hast ein restaurant, ein kneipe und eine unterhaltung zimmer mit komisch scau jeden nacht. Ich leibe Zypern, deshalb ein beste platz

  • Word count: 222
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: English
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